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6 hours ago - last edited 5 hours ago by Karl-TalkTalk
I have just rescheduled an apointment for the engineer to come over and set up the router and so on.
I'd like to pay for him to relocate the main phone socket, as I am not happy with it's current location.
2 hours ago
So, whom do I need to call/email so that the engineer is assigned to relocate the main phone socket in that same day?
2 hours ago
The Openreach engineer will usually only do the work he has been assigned on the day. You can always ask of course, but he may say that it needs another appointment.
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3 hours ago
Hi Karl,
Thank you for your answer.
Yes, an Openreach engineer is supposed to come over.
So, when he comes over I can ask him to do the extra work and I presume I will be charged after, or do I need to pay the charge before the appointment? I don't minf paying before.
Many thanks,
5 hours ago
If this is a TalkTalk engineer to help set things up, they may not be able to move the phone socket, this may require an Openreach engineer.
They charge £128 to relocate a phone socket especially if this involves re-routing the position that the line enters the house.
You can still discuss this with your engineer when he arrives and they can offer advice.
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