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13-11-2023 10:52 PM - edited 14-11-2023 12:39 AM
Hi,my speed is way below expected,having trouble just accsesing this site Speed tests show 2mb-5mb.Been like this for about 4 days otherwise 10y+ great.
Phone line is down dial tone intermitent but need to sort broadband as priority
Live chat master socket wifi lan tests all done
Still running on original h633 router perhaps an upgrade would be an idea like other isps
Cant even browse with this speed this is a joke guaranteed 16mbs as below.
Out of contract and this is why i havent renewd yet!
thanks for any help.
on 16-11-2023 10:12 AM
Hi butterboy
If you'd like us to arrange an engineer visit can you confirm:
I've also sent you a PM to confirm some other details
Chris, Community Team
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16-11-2023 12:51 AM - edited 16-11-2023 12:53 AM
Looks like the engineer was telling the truth,the master socket street entrance is an empty shell ,no connected test socket. That is at the extention socket and the dial tone is perfect now but no internet,taken me over an hour to load and reply to this page.
16-11-2023 12:39 AM - edited 16-11-2023 12:41 AM
Looks like the engineer was telling the truth,the master socket street entrance is an empty shell ,no connected test socket. That is at the extention socket and the dial tone is perfect now but no internet,taken me over an hour to load and reply to this page.
on 15-11-2023 08:17 PM
Ok ill give it a go ,its only what the engineer told us.
on 15-11-2023 07:12 PM
The fact that an extension socket is hard-wired to the master socket does not make it a test socket. That remains the point where the external wiring initially enters the property and will be accessible by removing the faceplate from the master socket. Try connecting there for the time being as suggested and the support team can check again.
15-11-2023 06:13 PM - edited 15-11-2023 06:17 PM
Thank you for getting back to me,
when installed i remember the engineer say the test socket in the hall is now bypassed and installed an extension lead (hard wired)to the living room hence that becoming the test socket and the lead from hall to living room is degraded and if pressed i get a dial tone and some internet.I would just get a new lead but one end is wired up inside the hall test socket.
If an internal engineer is advisable thanks.
15-11-2023 06:10 PM - edited 15-11-2023 06:17 PM
Thank you for getting back to me,
when installed i remember the engineer say the test socket in the hall is now bypassed and installed an extension lead (hard wired)to the living room hence that becoming the test socket and the lead from hall to living room is degraded and if pressed i get a dial tone and some internet.I would just get a new lead but one end is wired up inside the hall test socket.
If an internal engineer is advisable thanks.
on 14-11-2023 06:30 AM
As the broadband shares part of the line with the phone circuit, any impact to this will affect the broadband.
Line tests show a possible loop fault in or near your home.
Can you confirm that you have unplugged everything from the phone socket and tested a known working phone handset directly at the master socket or 'Test Socket' if you have one, and the issues with the phone persist.
If this is confirmed, then we can progress to an engineer for you.
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