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I have had my landline switched to digital voice today but there is nowhere on router to plug in phone. So I now have no landline.
I spent 2 and half hours in chat this morning asking for a router with a phone socket and just got passed from department to department with agents who seemed unable to grasp what a phone socket is. I am very annoyed. I spent 3/4 of an hour queueing yesterday on phone to point out no phone socket and the agent then said a new one would be sent before switching. This morning switch had happened and I have no phone. The router is a black one with talk talk written on it.
I just want someway of plugging phone in
thats great news, thanks for confirming.
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My phone is now working!!!
There is a tone. And it's plugged into phone socket on router box. I've tried calling out on it, phone dials but doesn't connect. Tried phoning the land line from mobile and it doesn't connect
Thanks. Just to confirm, the telephone is connected to the green telephone port on the router?
Is the line completely dead or is there a dial tone?
Chris, Community Team
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Hi yes it's still not working and I unplugged everything over night.
Thanks for trying that. Could you just confirm that it's still not working today and I'll ask our Future Fibre team to take a look
Chris, Community Team
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Ok had it off 35 minutes. Still not working
Could you try switching the router and ONT off and leave them off for at least 30 minutes, then switch back on and retest
Chris, Community Team
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Thank you. Unfortunately the phone is still not working. I have tried dialing from it and nothing happens. Likewise when I call it on a mobile nothing happens
Hi jenfedup,
The order is now showing complete so could you please retest and let us know how you get on
Chris, Community Team
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Hi jenfedup,
I'm sorry about this but the VoIP order is showing delayed. I'll check it again later to see if there's an update
Chris, Community Team
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@jenfedup, staff will catch up with this ASAP as the switch to VOIP probably needs activation at the Talktalk end, now that you have the right router for the phone.
Please return the previous router. If you don't have a prepaid returns bag, staff can send you one.
Ok so I have a new box with a phone socket. Internet is working. Phone is still not working. Can neither make or receive a call. I am not happy. Had no phone since Tuesday. Phone is not working on either copper line ( no dial tone) or on digital voice( dial tone but doesn't work) help please! No point going to live chat as they are useless
Thank you for sending the new box with a phone socket on, It just arrived and is all plugged in and internet is up and running. Unfortunately my phone is still not working despite being plugged in! it is making a purr noise when lifted but when I dial nothing happens! its now not working on either the copper line or the box line. any ideas please? its just a normal landline phone.
also do you want the old box back or can I dispose of it?
No problem 🙂
Chris, Community Team
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Thank you!
I've checked the order again and it shows final price £0 so you shouldn't be charged, but as I've said, if you are we'll credit it back
Chris, Community Team
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Also that email says full fibre only no mention of digital voice. Please can you look into this.. I am utterly stressed out by this now and cannot afford random £30 I have not authorised going out. My package should be fibre + digital voice currently at £27 a month. I really do need this sorting
You shouldn't be charged, I'm not sure why you've received that email. If the charge appears on your bill let me know and I'll credit it back
Chris, Community Team
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Thank you. I have however just had an email saying one off charge of £30 for WiFi hub? Er you are joking? Am I being charged for a router that works? I did not agree to that