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Full Fibre upgrade cancelled without notice

Whizz Kid
Private Message
Message 9 of 9

I'm posting on behalf of my 80 year old mother who lives alone .


A few weeks ago she was offered an upgrade to Full Fibre with Digital Voice, which I advised she take, assuming it would provide future benefits.


The upgrade was booked for 11th October between 9am-11am and in the run up to the date she had several phone-calls from TalkTalk to confirming details, which were rather time-consuming and bothersome.


She had an unscheduled preliminary visit last week from a chap to drill a hole through the wall by her front door, as she happened to be at home she was able to deal with it.


On the morning of the installation she stayed at home but by 12:00 there was no sign of the engineer so she called Talk Talk, which are never quick and easy.  However she was told that the engineer would be with her by 13:00, so she stayed in.


At 14:00 there was still no engineer so she called Talk Talk again and was advised that the installation had been cancelled.  The advisor was unable to tell her who had cancelled it or the current status of the upgrade and gave the impression of complete disinterest.


My mother is understandably rather fed up with this service and would like a response from Talk Talk without wasting any more of her time.


Please advise,

Martin Abbott


Message 1 of 9

Hi @Kettle 


I can confirm that there are no open orders, and the comms will stop. 



Message 2 of 9

Thanks for the swift response, will you be able to confirm when this is acknowledged? I'd like to be able to reassure her that she doesn't need to worry about anything.


Many thanks


Message 3 of 9

Ill contact the comms team, Full fibre is not available so she should not be getting any communications at all.  


Message 4 of 9

Hello again,


We decided not to proceed with a new Gfast order as my Mother doesn't require faster speeds and is happy with everything as it is.

However, yesterday she received the following text out of the blue:



"Hi xx, it's TalkTalk.


As you rely on your landline at postcode ending xxx, we've changed your broadband upgrade to Full Fibre so you'll still be able to use your landline.


You'll enjoy faster and more reliable broadband. The upgrade can take 2-3 hours, so as a thank you we'll send you a £25 voucher 45 days after your install - T&Cs apply


Our network partner, CityFibre, will arrive on Thu 30 Nov between 8AM - 1PM.


Reply CONFIRM to book or CHANGE to change the date."



Arne-TalkTalk, please could you confirm what is going on?...your previous investigations showed that Full Fibre wasn't available at her address.  Either way I think she'd be better off without the hassle of an upgrade she doesn't need.




Message 5 of 9

Hi Kettle


Sorry that you mother is having problems.


I have checked the account address and currently the area is not full fibre enabled, Gfast is available which provides faster speeds. 


A new order will need to be placed with the loyalty team  03451720088 


Apologies for any inconvenience caused 


Message 6 of 9

It won't hurt to put your own details in too, @Kettle, if you are also a customer of Talktalk. 


Go via your avatar/name; settings. In Personal Information, in the slot for telephone number, add your Talktalk landline number or account number. SAVE CHANGES. 


It just means that, should you need support as a customer yourself, all the details are ready for staff to check the line or whatever. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Whizz Kid
Private Message
Message 7 of 9

Thanks for your input Gliwmaeden2 I'll update my profile accordingly and see what happens on the other side of the weekend.

Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 8 of 9

Probably too late for a staff response today, @Kettle.


Put your mother's details in Private Notes, at the end of the Personal Information of your profile. SAVE CHANGES. 


Otherwise they have no way of identifying the account. 


Staff reply during the day, Monday to Friday. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.
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