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Full fibre contract end frustration.

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 5

Hi I am currently on a fibre 150 data only contract which is due to expire on 8/3.

Having already had 1 email from TT already about this, I recd another today ( offering to renew. I thought I would perhaps bite the bullet & sort this out today.

I logged into my account and found that the renewal  offer there is totally different (much more expensive) to the email offer I have just recd?

I thought ok, I will talk to someone on some sort of live chat, but incredibly that no longer appears to exist !

I then downloaded the TTplus app as google said that had live chat, but after receiving  a code to my email, it stated that im not a TTPlus customer. (what am I then?)

So it would seem that the only way I can actually contact TT is through this here, quite incredible really ! (&not in a good way)

Can anyone offer advice on how I might be able to talk/message to someone to get this sorted ? As a long standing tt customer, I have never has any issues with the BB itself, but nearly always seem to experience major problems when having to sort out a new 18m contact.

Very frustrating & may have me finally looking elsewhere.



Message 1 of 5

Hi viduka


There is a setting in firefox which blocks pop ups such as live chat, I believe its found under the blue shield at the top right. 


Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 5

Hi, thanks for the links, very helpful & I have now renewed my contract via live chat.

 A couple of things though. I opened the link via the firefox web browser & for whatever reason it did not show or allow for the live chat to work, more initial frustration.

It wasnt till I opened with chrome (as an afterthought) that the live chat showed up.

Also, it would be very helpful for TT to give access to live chat directly from a persons "my account"



Support Team
Private Message
Message 3 of 5

Hi viduka


Call the loyalty team on 03451720088 They will be able to see what options are available


Sorry for any inconvenience caused 


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 5

You don't need to have logged into My Account to use Live Chat, @viduka.


Use the forum search engine to find contact details and up to date opening hours.


This is the link that comes up:


You are not a Talktalk Plus customer if you are on Fibre 150.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.
Anonymous User