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How soon should there be three blue lights on the DVA box?

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 99 of 99

The engineer completed my 150 fibre connection this morning, he had not seen a Eero router before and was not familiar with the DVA box. I have seen in a couple of places the phone can take an hour to work.

It is now over five hours and there are still just two blue lights on the DVA and no phone. I have disconnected the DVA checked the connections and pressed the reset button. The box is connected as per the quick set up guide. The three blue lights flash on when the box is powered up but only the power and internet lights stay on. There are two lights on the back of the box, one is green and flashes as if data is passing the other is a constant amber colour. If I pick up the phone and press the green button on the phone there is a dialling tone, if I then dial a number as I get towards the end of the number there is what sounds like a rapid engaged tone, also whilst the dialling tone is heard the blue phone light on the DVA flashes.

The up and down speeds are fluctuating which I assume is normal until the connection settles, at one stage the upload speed was 6. The engineer was looking at his phone to check the installation and asked me what release phoneline might be.

If I look in my account it still only shows my previous contract which has expired and not the new one that should have started a couple of days before the expiry. 


Message 21 of 99

Hi @Michelle-TalkTalk  The broadband speed is more or less constant and as far as I am aware the phone has worked, as because of all the previous problems we had told most friends/relatives to avoid the landline and call us on our mobile, but those who have called have not mentioned any problems.


Websites are loading without any problems or being blocked so the modifying of IP addresses was entirely down to the Eero.


The second Hub2 was a surprise, there was no  notification of it's approach from a courier or parcel force, and no notification that it had been delivered it was just there when we got home. When Jess phones I will ask for a bag large enough to take a DVA, an Eero and a Hub2. 


Message 22 of 99

Good morning,


Thanks for the update. Is everything still ok with your connection and voice service since your last post?




Michelle 🙂



Private Message TalkTalk
Message 23 of 99

The unwanted DVA left on my doorstep on 15/12 and returned vis the post office on 19/12 has been received by TT, details as below.





Message 24 of 99

Hi @Chris-TalkTalk  Just when it seemed all was done, I have just got home to find another Hub2 on the doormat. I will return it with the used Eero and DVA from the original install if the return bag is big enough. The second Hub2 will be unopened and so suitable for re-issue. 


Message 25 of 99

Hi zebidee88,


That's great news, thanks for the update. Hope your have a great Christmas 🙂



Message 26 of 99

Hi @Debbie-TalkTalk  A hub2 arrived today and I have installed it.


I don't need a DVA and I don't need a switch box due the Eero lacking sockets which means less mains electric sockets needed and less cables plus a lot less led's lighting the room up like a Christmas tree. So far the hub is not corrupting IP addresses and all seem to load without problems.


The Hub2 started on channel 36 and within minutes was up to 153.  Unlike the Eero I could go into the settings remove the auto setting and fix the channel on a suitable one found with a scanning app. I now have a router and two repeaters with the same SSID's and passwords on different reachable channels, this creates a mesh whereby walking around the house there are no notspots and devices just move seamlessly from one transmitter to the next. 


Fingers crossed I am not speaking too soon but all seems as it should be, thank you to the staff on this forum for all your help and to Jess who managed to send the Hub. If only TT listened to their customers or even approached them for feedback two or three months after the install date. The Eero is prettier and the app will appeal to some but it is not fit for purpose until the end user can make adjustments.


Jess is due to call me next Friday between 10.00 and 12.00 to check all is O.K. all I need now is a returns bag for the Eero and DVA.

So here is a big

Thank you. 😊 


Message 27 of 99

Hi @Debbie-TalkTalk  


There were two calls yesterday whilst I was queuing at the post office where there is no signal. Jess called the landline and spoke to my wife and left a courtesy voicemail on my mobile. Jess called back as promised and was a very polite and patient lady, she seemed more concerned with the telephone side of the service. She also said there were no recorded outstanding problems on my account since one was closed on November 15th.


It seems I was sent a DVA rather than a Hub2 as it is not possible to be sent something that is not included in my package. I explained that my house is on the corner of two roads, my front door is on a road which is covered by BT installs, my back garden fence runs along a road which has City Fibre installs. If my front door and kitchen door were swapped I would have had a City fibre install and a Hub2.


I explained about the channel 155 problem and that the Eero is not fit for purpose, but I think that was not her remit, I also explained that I was within touching distance of the Eero and my laptop got a speed of 83 download and the mobile phone I was using was getting 151 download, that seemed to change her opinion. I tried to mention the IP address changes and DNS problems blocking sites that were totally secure (I know the site owner and we get regular site security assessment reports!!!) but it met with silence and so was not pursued.


As mentioned above Jess seemed focused on the phone side rather than broadband but in the end managed to arrange for a Hub2 to be sent to me in up to five working days. She is going to phone me back between 10.00 and 12.00 next Friday to see how things are going.




I have just been emailed as below, presumably that means the hub is on its way (fingers crossed)






Message 28 of 99

Hi zebidee88


I am so sorry about this. Let me speak to the team now and find out what is going on.




Message 29 of 99

Hi @Debbie-TalkTalk  I have been next to the phone all morning from 09.30 until now 13.00 waiting for the 10.00 to 12.00 call from your colleague and no one has called

I am now going into town to return the DVA which was sent in error after you requested a Hub2, not something I would choose to do the week before Christmas as the post office will be heaving.


An update to the above, Kieran phoned whilst I was at the post office returning the DVA which should have been a Hub2. He left a message that as he has made several attempts to contact me he will close the fault and I can either call the call centre (a fate worse than death), or request it is re-opened. I am finding it difficult to remain polite. His first call was unannounced, the second was last Friday after he had been rescheduled for between 10.00 and 12.00 today. And today he calls at 13,45 making out it is my fault as I was not spending my entire life waiting in case he called. The entire process so far from the two hour install that took four days until now has been a catalogue of errors.



Message 30 of 99

Hi zebidee88


My colleague will be calling Tuesday between 10-12. 



Message 31 of 99

Hi zebidee88


Thanks for your reply.


This is why I have escalated this issue to my colleague on the Faults Team due to the issues with ordering the router.


I will let you know as soon as my colleague comes back to me, sorry again.


Message 32 of 99

Hi @Debbie-TalkTalk Thanks for replying, you didn't mention the grandstream that was sent rather than a Hub2, will you be making another request to get one sent to me for testing?  This was the second time you had requested a Hub2, the first time nothing happened the second time they sent the wrong item, I am afraid that other than on this forum TT don't inspire confidence nowadays.


Message 33 of 99

Hi zebidee88


I'm so sorry about this. I will speak to my colleague today, he assured me last week that the call was booked in for Tuesday.




Message 34 of 99

Hi @Debbie-TalkTalk  I have just got home (23.15) and outside on the Doorstep was a plastic bag containing a Grandstream DVA, and there was also an incomplete answerphone message from Kieran (excuse spelling) at TalkTalk at 13.41 today, who had been cancelled for today and rebooked for Tuesday. 

We no longer have a local post office , so I will go into town next week to return the DVA, so still no Hub2.


Message 35 of 99

Hi zebidee88


Apologies for the delay. I think this will be the Hub2 that my colleague has ordered.




Message 36 of 99

Hi @Debbie-TalkTalk  You have been trying to get me a Hub2 to see if it would solve the Eero problems and escalated it the other day. I have had an email about changes I requested (I have not). It seems to imply that a DVA has been sent to me on the 13th December.






Message 37 of 99

Hi zebidee88


Sorry me again, just to add my colleague is calling Tuesday between 10-12. 


Thanks again.


Message 38 of 99

Hi zebidee88


I'm so glad to hear that the phone service is working.


My colleague has confirmed that they will be calling you Tuesday. I will check in again with you after the call too.






Message 39 of 99

Hi @Debbie-TalkTalk 


Thanks for your help. I did a reset before my previous post which failed, but the reset half an hour ago worked, someone must have found a bigger hammer to hit the server. I will make sure I am in all day on Tuesday for the call

Message 40 of 99

Hi zebidee88


I will ask the team to make contact with you on Tuesday.


In regards to the phone not working today, Our Network Engineers have asked if you could try resetting the DVA again please, holding the pin in until the leds on top start blinking simultaneously. Please let me know if there is any change following this