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My package is "FTTP" and Full Fibre 65. And I have a copper landline.
However, if i try and run a connection test i get a message stating:
"Your property has two lines supplying your connection, a copper line and a fibre line. Our online connection test is unable to run a test on both lines at the same time.
A member of our support team should be in touch over the next couple of months to remove your copper line and transition you to a Full Fibre connection."
Note the last line, ..."transition to full fibre" .
Is FTTP not full fibre? What service
am I on then?
It might be worth waiting to see what the support team have to say when they are back online next week.
I don't know. If @Jonc78 is in somewhat of a hurry, he can try. If not, he will ignore us.
You think that will make the supplier move any faster?
That says 'should'. Not very definite. It also says 'over the next couple of months'. That's sending the issue into the long grass.
That's why I said possible renegotiation.
Did you miss this bit as well?
"A member of our support team should be in touch over the next couple of months to remove your copper line and transition you to a Full Fibre connection."
Hi @Jonc78
I think I partly missed 'I have since renewed my broadband and My Package simply states Full Fibre65'
It seems you have already done the Upgrade, recently
It also seems TalkTalk ignored your original wish for " full fibre with digital voice "
Later when they offered you "full fibre WITHOUT digital voice", you should not have accepted it.
But the same applies as in my previous message, you should phone them directly at 0345 172 0088, and try to renegotiate.
Sorry, for that slight difference.
I haven't got a clue about timescales.
If you want to deal with it now, you should phone them directly at 0345 172 0088, possible department to ask for, 'Future Fibre Team' or 'Retentions Team'. Tell them directly. They have already indicated they will renew your contract to Full Fibre with VOIP. Ask them what are they doing? Are they doing this in April? Can they give a date?
yesterday - last edited yesterday
Usually it's best to speak to Talktalk directly on 03451 720088 or using Live Chat.
You'd need to have specified that you wanted VOIP at that stage - it's not so much a "roll out" as a case by case order. Some customers will be wanting data only packages and that's the default, so you do need to literally spell out the need for VOIP with that order.
The notice about £12 if you want to keep your copper line going has triggered such a response that there seems now to be a delay in following up on the request, when customers have replied directly to that warning.
Your best route is to contact Talktalk directly, as forum staff cannot set up deals / contracts.
Yes, possibly that. Do you have any knowledge of rollout of this voip?
I was due a complete contract renewal in April. In the meantime i also received a letter (in Jan), stating that I had until Feb to make a decision on 4 options.. We're you aware of such a communication? I got this letter but my father didn't and we both renewed this month.?!
One of the options was " full fibre with digital voice ".
I chose this (option 3 as per the letter) and have heard nothing else .
I have since renewed my broadband and My Package simply states Full Fibre65. No mention of voip / digital voice.
Is there any timescale on this? When or how will I get "digital voice " ?
Hi @Jonc78
It looks like that when you ran the connection test, and TalkTalk software made that automatic response,
the software made a slight mistake.
"To transition you to a Full Fibre connection" meant "To transition you to a Full Fibre connection with VOIP"
I assume you have not got VOIP yet, and are using the separate copper line for voice calls.
I would have thought your own subject heading and the message you got were self-explanatory? Perhaps the bit missing is that you will switch from a copper based to a VoIP landline.
No issues. Just curious about what it would say..and I am more curious now that it says; ..." transition you to full fibre"
I understood that i already was on full fibre. Can you confirm this?
Why do you want to run a line test ? Are you experiencing any issues with the service, slow speeds, noisy landline or non connecting calls etc ?
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