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8 hours ago
My package is "FTTP" and Full Fibre 65. And I have a copper landline.
However, if i try and run a connection test i get a message stating:
"Your property has two lines supplying your connection, a copper line and a fibre line. Our online connection test is unable to run a test on both lines at the same time.
A member of our support team should be in touch over the next couple of months to remove your copper line and transition you to a Full Fibre connection."
Note the last line, ..."transition to full fibre" .
Is FTTP not full fibre? What service
am I on then?
6 hours ago
I would have thought your own subject heading and the message you got were self-explanatory? Perhaps the bit missing is that you will switch from a copper based to a VoIP landline.
6 hours ago
No issues. Just curious about what it would say..and I am more curious now that it says; ..." transition you to full fibre"
I understood that i already was on full fibre. Can you confirm this?
7 hours ago
Why do you want to run a line test ? Are you experiencing any issues with the service, slow speeds, noisy landline or non connecting calls etc ?
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