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New full fibre installation - no internet

Team Player
Private Message
Message 47 of 47

I’ve had an engineer appointment to install the fibre connection at the house I’ve just moved into and it hasn’t worked, with the eero app simply saying the internet can’t be reached with a failure on WAN IP. The installation happened yesterday and I’ve been using my phone data for work in the meantime but that’s running out and entirely unstable for calls so I’m at a real risk of losing earnings in the immediate future.


I’ve gone through the 80 minute process of line testing and diagnostics over the phone, with the operator assuring me I would be ‘auto compensated’ and would be given £10 free BT wifi credit. This has not happened and I have had no emails after the call. The conclusion he arrived at was that a new eero 6 router would solve the problem, however having just tried my old router - it seems something else is the cause. 

It’s also worth mentioning that having logged into my account to check my services there is zero mention of Fibre 150 anywhere, just my previous cancelled service. Have TalkTalk simply forgotten to actually start my service? 

This is getting kind of urgent now: I have a huge deadline for client work on Friday, very little data left on my phone and the risk that as a result I’m going to be deeply out of pocket as a result of this bungled installation. A cursory glance across the forum suggests this has happened to a lot of other people and I’m tempted to cut my losses and move to another provider.


Message 1 of 47

Hi Oscar


I'm so glad to hear this, thanks for letting us know.


Debbie 🙂

Message 2 of 47

Update for you all: the engineer visited and was on the phone for about an hour and the internet came on!! It’s such a relief to be able to work again!

Thank you all for your help 🙂


- Oscar

Message 3 of 47

Hi ODPaterson


Thanks for confirming this. We need to arrange an engineer visit.


I'm just sending you a Private Message to confirm some details.


Message 4 of 47



 Left is the power lead, middle is the Ethernet going into the back of the eero6 and on the right is the fibre cable which I assume is going outside.

Message 5 of 47

Hi ODPaterson


Would it be possible to post a photo on this thread of the cable setup between ONT and eero?


I can see the photo of the ONT but not the cable set up and eero, sorry


Message 6 of 47

Thanks Debbie



Message 7 of 47

Hi ODPaterson


Apologies for the delay. I have chased for an update and I will post back as soon as I have further information.




Message 8 of 47

I don't think anybody can switch straight away, you have a minimum 14 days with most providers. Plus the fact that the existing infrastructure isn't actually working anyway, courtesy of Openreach probably? 


I don't blame you for looking elsewhere, but I am being pragmatic here. Give TalkTalk a bit more time and if they still can't sort it by all means move away. Hopefully one of the support team will be back tomorrow with an update. 


Message 9 of 47

I suppose the lead in might be longer, but then again all the hardware is there already so maybe another provider on Openreach’s infrastructure could just switch the service straight away?


At this point I don’t feel any the wiser as to what’s gone wrong really, and after my previous 80 minutes on the phone to TalkTalk’s team and a long back and forth in the chat thing just led to nothing happening at all, my confidence that this will lead anywhere is pretty low. 

I might be wrong but it seems TalkTalk has no internal system for tracking support tickets when customers are facing problems with their service. The entire process is completely opaque to me and I fully expect that when/if I’m contacted by another department they will ask me to run through each equipment test for the 4th time.


I would honestly prefer not to leave as TalkTalk have been pretty decent in the past, largely due to the fact that not a lot has gone wrong. I’ll give them a little longer, but they should know that I’m shopping around and as soon as a provider says they can sort out our connection in a matter of days, I’ll have to take that deal. 


Message 10 of 47

Can I offer a purely personal view here as simply a fellow customer? I imagine the lead-in time for a new provider might be longer than it takes TalkTalk to get your service up and running, especially now that they seem to have made some progress in establishing what the issue is. Also, bear in mind that you should be entitled to compensation for the delay from your go live date. So I would probably grit my teeth for a bit longer and give TalkTalk a chance to sort this out. Of course it's entirely up to you.  🙂


Message 11 of 47

I’m considering going to another provider.


Message 12 of 47



Do you mean to go to another provider or to cancel?





Message 13 of 47

Morning Chris, just wanted to check that seeing as my service hasn’t started yet I am not currently bound by the contract?


Message 14 of 47

Message 15 of 47

Okay, I’ll keep an eye out 👍


Message 16 of 47

It's probably just delayed, it should appear over the next couple of weeks. I'll let you know when I receive an update from our Future Fibre team or they may contact you directly



Message 17 of 47

Okay, cheers Chris. 

Is there a potential reason why I have no record of my order or go-live date or billing info on my account?


Message 18 of 47

OK, provisioning have checked and confirmed that the order looks fine and is showing completed on Openreach systems so I'll pass it to our Future Fibre team and ask them to take a look as it looks as though it's fault rather than a problem with the order



Message 19 of 47

I wouldn't order anything yet as it may just complicate matters. You may ultimately need to reorder but I'm just checking with provisioning


Message 20 of 47

Cheers Chris,


I’m looking through other threads and despairing at the amount of time people are being left disconnected. Is it worth me just doing a new order now and being done with it? 

It’s not like I’m just having to watch Netflix on my phone for a few days; I’m literally unable to do my job and risking my livelihood the longer this goes on.


I can literally see the option in my account to order the thing I should already have and I’m very close to just doing that.