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Router Configuration Backup

Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 25 of 25

Today I have discovered the Backup Configuration option has purposely been removed from 5364 router.  On the face of it I find this action beyond belief.


In my case this router type has always been prone to loosing some of, or all of its conig.  Without giving anything away, I use have a large configuration on my router making backup/restore a vital function.


Can anyone advice me -


1). If there is any intention for this function to return in a future firmware update ?

2). Can a different router be supplied that does have this function ?




Message 1 of 25

Good afternoon,


I've fed this back to our Devices Team.







Message 2 of 25

totally agree i am looking for another broadband company



Message 3 of 25

I gave up with TTalk, having been a customer for about 14 years.    My experience is that TTalk "support" will stonewall an attempt to fix a problem when they don't understand (which was nearly always the case), or as a matter of company policy that the problem will never be given any priority. Switching to BT for a while showed (as expected) that the facilities I needed (mostly around port-mapping and router management) were World Class. Eventually I switched to Virgin Media as BT were too expensive. I suspect that my VM router has significant bugs, but are manageable with a power-cycle. For me, the main unfortunate "feature" about my VM router is that the wifi-LAN subnet is FIXED at, which I plan to overcome by adding-on a cheap router supplying for the many devices I have with that burnt-in subnet in their configs.  If TTalk ever sort the problems I might return as a customer. As an ICT Consultant for many years I must echo other complainers in the TTalk Community in agreeing that TTalk is outrageously cavalier in its treatment of customers. In the world of IT commerce, one tends to get service that is communsurate with price. 


Message 4 of 25

Hi roylamonby,


Outrageous I'd say, it goes again the most basic IT principles (I'm retired IT Consutant).


Sadly when I discovered the problem and asked  their support team (can't remember the exact name of the team) they said no other router with this funtionality was available from them, for purchase or or otherwise. 

So, anyone else arriving here please add a reply of some kind. Then hopefully in time, as a long and much subscribed to item, someone at TT might take notice.


ATB edhtech


Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 25

yes this is disgusting no backup, just had my box defaulted by support and all my

cutomised eidts had been lost and reserved ip address for my camera's

and found out they still have not corrected the camera icon it comes back red something has gone wrong.

i would like to know when a backup will be implented again or is it a ploy to get us to buy a new router from them that has a backup,



Message 6 of 25

For anyone interested in performance, since installing the Asus router, speed test through my network (Fibre 60, Asus router, wifi5, Android mobile) has risen from av 58Mbps before to av 75Mbps after. So the improvement is definately down to the router and i suspect due mainly to the superior wifi5 through Put.


First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 7 of 25

The same problem for me. TTalk support wiped my config (whilst trying to fix a DNS issue) and no way to restore from saved file - I think this is due to new firmware incompatibility. All remote access to security cameras, central heating, servers lost. A lot of work to rebuild the mappings and restore SSID+wifipassword. No guarantee that they won't do the same again. Cheap ISP - you get what you pay for.


Message 8 of 25



Thanks for your feedback.







Message 9 of 25

Hi Karl


I can confirm Asus RT-AX58U has made an excellent replacement for the TT Fast 5364 Router for me, having many more features and superior performance. Note: I’m not a gamer, hence cannot comment on its suitability for gaming. My particular basic requirements at the outset were:-


Save Restore Configuration, MAC Binding, MAC Filtering and Device renaming


Other features of the Asus that you could call a bonus;-


Much better 5 GHz wifi NW, Guest wifi NW, WPA2/WPA3- personal protocol, VPN Server and DDNS


I chose to take the cautious approach to setup and configuration, testing and understanding as I progressed, so it took a few hours to do but had no problems at all. Although I would encourage this approach, if you are reasonably experienced with networking devices you could just go for a straight, simple install mimicking the settings of your existing Fast 5364 and investigate the extra features later.


Implementation went something like this:-


Make note of all the settings on your existing router (PC screenshots work well for this)

Turn off old router (so wifi networks don’t collide) & turn off the ONT (fibre modem on the wall)

Un-box and power on new router

Connect mobile device to default wifi NW of new router

Familiarise yourself with the UI

Change the LAN IP addressing & DHCP range if required

Connect a PC console using Ethernet cable (makes for faster/easier config)

Set WAN Connection type to > Automatic IP: Enable WAN > YES: Enable NAT>YES

Set DNS Server IP > Auto: Authentication > none

Connect new router to ONT & power on the ONT

Power on the new router and watch the light on the ONT for status indication

Watch for router WAN coming up, Asus App status screen show this clearly,  ONT - PON & LAN lit

Test internet connection (browse a known website from PC console or mobile)

Rename the wifi SID (same as existing) & set the WPA Pre-shared Key (same as existing)

Observe devices connect to the new wifi NW.

Setup other features as required (MAC Binds, MAC Filter table, Device names, etc)

Test all wifi devices connect to new router wifi

Save the Config


Don’t forget to upgrade the firmware and Save the Config again


I hope this helps anyone left in the same position as I was by TT withdrawl of the Save/Restore Configuration option from the FAST 5364. 



Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 10 of 25

Hi Karl

"Nothing official" is kind of what I expected. Thanks for offering the details of the one you know works, I'll take look at the spec. 


I have to say big vote of no confidence from me for your device team though


Message 11 of 25



Officially we do not recommend any specific model of router, but many who post in our community do use their own routers. I myself currently use an Asus RT AX56U wifi 6 router as I find the asus router easy to configure and there is a companion app that gives me full control over settings and devices connected.  


There are many similar router options available, and the prices online are quite reasonable.



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Message 12 of 25

Hi Karl

Thanks for the quick reply

I have two problems,

1) The removed Backup/Restore Configuration options

2) Advanced Setting is in-accessable.

As the Fast 5364 firmware appears to be the cause of both and no solution is in sight Iam forced to look for an alternative router. In order to try and keep as compliant as is possible I was looking for an approved or recommended router model, preferably with setup instructions. Can you offer any such intel  ?



Message 13 of 25



Michelle is off at the moment, so cannot respond, but just to reiterate the answers to your query, this option has been removed from the current router firmware.  There are no plans to reinstate this feature in a future release. There are no other routers that we can supply to you.


You can source your own router as many customers do, I also use my own preferred router at my home connection.




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Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.


Message 14 of 25

Hi Michelle

I have sent 3 x PM's over the last few weeks and have had no acknowledgements or replies (these messages are present in my Sent folder). Can you confirm you have received the messages.




Message 15 of 25



Just checking to see if you've received my PM ok?





Message 16 of 25



I'll send you a Private Message now. Can you see if you can reply to my PM please?





Message 17 of 25

Hi Michelle 


I have PM'd you but it isnt clear that the message has sent. Can you let me know if you have received please ?


Message 18 of 25

Message 19 of 25

Hi Michelle


I have run out of time right now but will PM you later. Thanks


Message 20 of 25



Unfortunately not but we do work directly with the team so if there was something specific that you wanted to feed back then we can pass this straight over for you. If you don't want to post it on the Community then please can you send me a Private Message.




Anonymous User