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on 30-05-2023 04:36 PM
Since moving to my new router and full fibre broadband I cannot access my work VPN. I've been on a help chat for over an hour but no help can be provided? I find this really hard to believe?
I've read on other posts on here that firmware updates have been carried out on routers that have helped?
Surely I'm not alone......help?! Please?!
Many thanks
on 05-06-2023 06:36 AM
Hi NellyCath
I'm so glad to hear this, thanks for letting us know 🙂
on 02-06-2023 05:49 PM
Looks like it's all working fine now!
Thanks so much for all your help.
on 31-05-2023 12:34 PM
Nothing should be blocked for outgoing connections so not sure what you will find in the firewall that might be causing this.
Also as this is a 3rd party VPN tool there maybe other issues to review..
on 31-05-2023 12:27 PM
OK, let us know how you get on. The default firewall level is medium.
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on 31-05-2023 12:22 PM
Thanks - I still couldn't see it but needed to head to work so will try tonight once I am back home!
on 31-05-2023 12:22 PM
Thanks for the heads up - looks like It's been removed already! Phew!
I've already removed the scam protection and re-tried yesterday but the VPN still wouldn't work.
I'm going to try the firewall as per Debbie's suggestion once I am back home and on that network. I couldn't find 'firewall' in the device settings but ran out of time this morning!
Thanks again!
31-05-2023 10:10 AM - edited 31-05-2023 10:38 AM
Can I suggest you remove that screen shot of your VPN connection. You have exposed both the VPN host and your username. If you need to post such content then obfuscate the details.
Can you also login to your online account and ensure that Scam protection is turned off. This will block VPN connections in some instances. With Scam Protection turned on I was unable to do remote support with my clients.
Login in to your account then go to My Security > Click Off against Scam Protection and test your VPN again.
on 31-05-2023 07:43 AM
Hi NellyCath
If you log into the router admin page (password on the back of your router) under the settings there should be an option for firewall.
on 31-05-2023 07:25 AM
Hi Debbie
I've gone through the link below to look at my router but I can't see anything to mention firewall in the settings.
Can you advise where to look in case I'm in the wrong place please?
Many thanks
on 31-05-2023 06:30 AM
Hi NellyCath
I'm sorry to hear this.
I've checked and your router has the correct firmware version that should work with VPN.
What level is the firewall set to? (in the router settings)
on 30-05-2023 08:26 PM
Thank you for getting me this far!
on 30-05-2023 08:13 PM
OK, thanks again. This is where my knowledge ends, so please wait for the support team to pick this up.
on 30-05-2023 07:59 PM - last edited on 31-05-2023 10:36 AM by Karl-TalkTalk
image removed for security.
on 30-05-2023 07:09 PM
It is, thank you . But it should work with most VPNs, which one are you using?
on 30-05-2023 05:51 PM
TalkTalk Wi-Fi Hub 2
version SG4K100158
Is that the right info?
30-05-2023 05:40 PM - edited 30-05-2023 05:41 PM
Can you login to your router interface at That will tell you the make/model and current firmware version.
EDIT: In fact you don't even actually need to login, that link will bring up the details.
on 30-05-2023 05:08 PM
Yep that's the one 🙂 They used to have the makes and models on the back.....
on 30-05-2023 05:00 PM
OK, it sounds like a Sagemcom Hub in which case there is a plastic tab on the back which you can remove and check the model on the label beneath. But I think you have told us enough, thanks.
on 30-05-2023 04:48 PM
There's no make/model on the router - it's a black one with all the holes in?
On my laptop the description is Inter (R) Wireless -AC 9560 160 MHz but I don't know if this is the router? Not very IT savvy!
I'd love the team to help but I think I've exhausted the last one!! My details are on the account.
on 30-05-2023 04:41 PM
Which router do you have? If you would like the support team to look into this for you make sure that your personal details including TalkTalk phone number and/or account number are complete on your community profile (click here) so that they can link your forum identity with your account and then wait for them to respond.