Get help with your TalkTalk landline and calling features.
on 23-02-2025 11:49 AM
Hi, I had this problem 26th March 2024, after having fibre installed, and Michelle from talktalk support fixed it thanks to Ferguson (community star) telling me it was a known problem.
I have experienced regular drop-offs in router and landline over last 24hours, and contacted talktalk this morning, they did a factory reset of the router which (fingers crossed has fixed the broadband problem) but the ding every 30 mins on the landline is still there, which is annoying at best....please can someone from the support team pick this up and help?
Do let us know here if you have any further issues.
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Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
on 21-03-2025 04:27 PM
Hey to you Debbie,
package came yesterday, unfortunately not letterbox size but postie secreted it out the front....found it earlier when I arrived back and have just unwrapped it and plugged it all in...the phone is doing a lot of dings, hopefully that will be an initial thing and once it's all solid lights will stop....but there is now a phone line that I can answer to the old folks now.
Thanks once again
on 21-03-2025 08:42 AM
on 18-03-2025 09:28 AM
on 18-03-2025 09:14 AM
Yes please….thank you Debbie
on 18-03-2025 09:13 AM
Yes please : )
thank you
on 18-03-2025 06:46 AM
Morning @lucy24 🙂
It's small, the box should fit through the letter box. Are you happy for me to order this today?
on 17-03-2025 09:12 PM
Hey Debbie, many apologies I have only just got back from a very long day at work...the internet was great all weekend...managed to watch the football yesterday and the only problem with that was the scoreline : )
Can I say yes please for the voice adapter, is that small enough to fit through letterbox or is that a knock at the door type piece of kit?
on 17-03-2025 07:37 AM
Morning @lucy24
Sorry for the delay.
Has everything been ok over the weekend? I can send the digital voice adapter for you.
on 14-03-2025 02:19 PM
Hey to you Debbie
I had a text conversation with Jamie on Wednesday afternoon after I asked how problem fixing was going, the outages were then still on-going and within that time, it had been resolved....the issue of area drop-offs and we were up and running again. It seems to good, I wasn't in yesterday, but everything looks ok and today is running I believe zit is resolved. My only problem now is marrying the corded phone back to the router, which someone mentioned you guys send a Digital Voice Adapter out, is that the case or do I actually have to start looking into it.
I thank you and Michelle for keeping me updated and investigating from your side : )
on 14-03-2025 11:11 AM
Hi @lucy24
I've requested an update and I will post back here as soon as the team come back to me.
on 11-03-2025 01:08 PM
on 11-03-2025 12:47 PM
Thanks Debbie, I can see there has been a voicemail, 24 secs, but when I try to listen to that it's just a blank, so I appreciate firstly, their attempt, but more so, your relay of what's happening
on 11-03-2025 12:41 PM
Hi @lucy24
My colleague has advised that they have tried to make contact and have left you a voicemail.
This is the latest update on this fault:
Good Afternoon, We have identified a wider outage within the area which is affecting multiple services seeing intermittency. This outage is part of the wider outage in the area. We have raised a task with our network engineering team to investigate/resolve this outage. As soon as we receive any updates/ETA'S from our engineering team, we will update you accordingly.
on 11-03-2025 10:55 AM
: )
on 11-03-2025 10:54 AM
Hi @lucy24
Apologies for this.
I will contact the team now to find out what is happening and I will post back here as soon as I have more information.
on 11-03-2025 10:17 AM
Hi to you Debbie,
there was a phone call due yesterday to update me on problem, but I didn't get one. There have still been outages, the last one being this morning between 2am and not sure if anyone has actually identified the problem and it's being addressed or not. My neighbours also are still struggling to maintain connection.
on 11-03-2025 07:06 AM
Hi lucy24
Has my colleague been in contact with you since your last post?
on 05-03-2025 11:18 AM
you star : )
on 05-03-2025 11:17 AM
Hi lucy,
Apologies, if they come back to me with any additional updates then I'll post an update here for you.