Get help with your TalkTalk landline and calling features.
5 hours ago
Hi, I had this problem 26th March 2024, after having fibre installed, and Michelle from talktalk support fixed it thanks to Ferguson (community star) telling me it was a known problem.
I have experienced regular drop-offs in router and landline over last 24hours, and contacted talktalk this morning, they did a factory reset of the router which (fingers crossed has fixed the broadband problem) but the ding every 30 mins on the landline is still there, which is annoying at best....please can someone from the support team pick this up and help?
4 hours ago
thanks Gliwmarden2, it seems to be a fairly common problem here on the forum pages, but the guys on the chat pages on talktalk just don't get it, not sure why the patch info isn't directed to them too. But yes, my fingers are crossed that this community is the way forward once again : )
4 hours ago
It's likely to come back if you have to do a factory reset, @lucy24, but can be sorted by staff again after the weekend.