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New contract agreed but not implemented

Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 27 of 27

I called you on 19/12/2023 to discuss options to renew the contract which will end on 06/01/2024.

We agreed downgrading from Fibre 65 to Fibre 35 for 18 months at £22. We also agreed half price Unlimited UK Calls Boost at £8. I said I did not want TalkTalk TV.

You emailed the contract documents, and separately sent another email to say "Your account has been updated".

However, the account has not been updated, in fact it remains completely unchanged, the package still shows Fibre 65 which comes to an end on 06/01/2024, and you invite renewal.

Why haven't you implemented the agreed contract ?

Please put this right asap, and ensure TalkTalk TV is not included.

Thank you.


Message 1 of 27



Thanks for the clarification, it's much appreciated.



Message 2 of 27

Message 3 of 27

Hi Arne

Great, thanks for the response.

So the recurring £4.95 discount will continue with no end date?


Message 4 of 27

HI hugo123


Your price has not changed the email is auto triggered when the discount was applied but the email omits that there is a recurring £4.95 discount on your plan, reducing it to £25. 


Sorry for the confusion.




Message 5 of 27


Thanks for applying the discount, BUT, we received an email yesterday "Your new and improved package" which hikes the Fibre 65 from £25 to £29.95?

New package.jpg

The price should be £25 as stated in your email dated 13 December 2023:

Fibre 65.jpg

Please will you put this right, I simply can't believe how many errors TalkTalk have made.


Thank you.


Message 6 of 27

Message 7 of 27


Thank you for clarifying the situation.

Indeed, it would be much clearer if the wording read "your contract ended on 6 January". It should also clearly show that we are out of contract.


We are content to remain out of contract at £25 per month for Fibre 65 including Fixed Price Plus as detailed in the email of 13 December 2023.


Yes, please change the unlimited calls to half price, thank you.


I do appreciate that you are working flat out, and am obliged to you for your help.


Message 8 of 27

HI hugo123


The requests to renew in Dec and Jan both failed as you are aware, its not clear why,  You are out of contract as of Jan 6th 2024 you are on Fibre 65 paying £25 per month  all of this is reflected in My Account, Maybe the wording should change to "ended" rather than "ends. "

Your unlimited calls discount has ended and you are paying full price(£16) I can change that to reflect the previous offer of half price, sadly there is nothing I can do about the renewal, only the loyalty team can help with that. 


Apologies again for the inconvenience caused by this.


Message 9 of 27

I'll re-escalate this in the hope that staff can at least look into why the account never seems to update correctly, @hugo123.


It's now more an issue of a malfunction in My Account rather than staff not being able to sort deals etc.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 10 of 27

Please will someone at TalkTalk let me know when I can expect a response, thank you.


Message 11 of 27

It looks like an absolutely dire performance throughout all this, @hugo123.


Re-escalating the thread for you. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 12 of 27

So I haven't made a formal complaint (yet!)

The original contract renewal invitation dated 13 December 2023 offered two options, and I quote:

"The first option is to continue with your current service which includes Fixed Price Plus¹ so you'll continue to pay £25.00* per month. You don't have to do anything. You'll then be out of contract, giving you the freedom to upgrade whenever it suits you.
The second option available for you is to move onto a new, matching Fibre 65 contract for £29.00 per month for another 24 months."

As my two attempts to renew via customer loyalty failed, (see below), through no fault of mine, and I have taken no other action, I must be out of contract.

However, under My Package I continue to be invited to "Renew now", and my package still shows "24 month fixed term contract ends: 06 Jan 2024"

So the account does not reflect my out of contract status, or am I missing something? 


It looks to me as if the account has not been updated since the contract expired on 6 January? 


I should add that we are content to stay out of contract paying £25 per month for Fibre 65 as per the original emailed renewal invitation.


Thanks for your help.



Message 13 of 27

@hugo123  sadly we are not allowed to process orders, due to the autosign process you need to be on the phone during this process ,  this can only be done by the loyalty team, sorry.



Message 14 of 27

@hugo123, sorry to read this.


The Complaints procedure can be found detailed in a link at the foot of any Talktalk page.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 15 of 27

I feel for you, Hugo, but fear you will get nowhere. As I say I've had the same issue since 22/09/23 - none of the 4 bills have been accurate.
The only way to speak to someone is to go on their chat, make a complaint, request a callback. But it will take you an hour to even get close to a callback - which I'm told by the complaints team who call you, can be requested in 5 minutes!
Today a customer services manager who called me, directly contradicted the complaint manager who called me in December.
It's all smoke and mirrors, they are just con merchants.
Hope you get some kind of resolution. The only resolution I got, was undone in a week when they decided to double my bill for no reasons.
They are absolutely evil!

Message 16 of 27

TalkTalk support.

Just to be clear, all I want is for the contract agreed on 29th December 2023 to be implemented. During that conversation I enquired why the earlier contract agreed on 19 December 2023 had not been implemented, and was told it was a system error.

I don't see how calling Loyalty (sales) for a third time will fix a system error.

Is there nothing you can do to look into the problem, please? After all that is why you're here, with all due respect.


Message 17 of 27


Thanks for your reply.

It looks to me as if there's a systems issue here, and I've already been in touch with the Loyalty team as you know.

How do I make a formal complaint which will result in this being put right?

Thanks for your advice.


Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 18 of 27

It's a SCAM! I have exactly the same issue ongoing since September 2023.
TT are essentially conmen, they repeatedly pull this scam, knowing that in the long run they will make more money off people either A) not noticing, or B) lying to them when they complain.
-I completed 24 months contract. Agreed a new deal online, which was confirmed by email.
-They didn't apply the new contract, and instead continued to bill me for the old one, adding £16 p/m
- I noticed when they tried to overcharge me for a 3rd month (I immediately cancelled my direct debit to stop them helping themselves to whichever amount they wanted each month - I recommend you all do the same)
-My complaint was closed without ever getting the call-back I was promised.
-I complained again a month later and was lied to repeatedly by their chat agents - who are all scammers.
-Eventually they compensated me and promised that my bills would be correct moving forward. The next bill was almost double what it should have been - SCAMMERS
-I'm just going to join sky, and plaster it all over social media.


Message 19 of 27

Hi hugo123


Sorry that you are having problems.  Sadly due to sales compliance I'm not allowed to place orders for regrades/upgrades this has to be done by the loyalty team.  


Apologies again.


Message 20 of 27

Update - second attempt to renew the contract -failed again

I called the loyalty team on 29th December. This time we agreed 24 months Fibre 35 at £22, and half price UK anytime calls at £8, also for 24 months, all with effect from that day. Within a few minutes I received an email with attached contract and contract information, and a further email stating the account had been updated.

However the account has not been updated, the package still shows Fibre 65 expiring on 6 January 2024, and inviting renewal. Oddly, it shows a pending order for Fibre 35 with estimated go live date 29 December - another system error?

Maybe TalkTalk doesn't like downgrading from Fibre 65 to Fibre 35?

Support Team (Arne), please be good enough to fix this before 6 January when the current contract expires.

After 8 years loyalty to TalkTalk, I'm hugely disappointed with the level of service received (although TT Forum Support have always been the saving grace).

For context - this account is my mum's and set up for me to access under P.O.A. She is 94 and suffers from dementia and anxiety. This issue is worrying her greatly, and I don't like to see her upset unnecessarily.