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Trying to obtain price for continuing contract

Insightful One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 46 of 46

I am trying to find out what TT are going to try to charge me  for continuing my contract at renewal (in two months) but am unable to speak on the phone (disabled) - so I tried LIVE CHAT - first question "Please type the mobile number registered to your TalkTalk account without any spaces ?"

My answer "n/a" (I am not interested in mobiles - just an internet connection.)

BOT ..."That doesn't look quite right. Let's try again..."

Me "human please"

and so it went on for the next ten minutes



I am currently paying £27 including unlimited calls.

The reason for this early quote request is that TT business can offer me what I have now with TT residential for £31.99. FTTP is not yet available - so it's got to be FTTC 65Mbps with unlimited calls package.

Alternatively I can get a local FTTP - 450Mbps at £35 with calls at £4

Unbelievably - I would prefer to remain with the devil you know - TT residential - but not if I am unable to even get a decent price......



Message 21 of 46

"the fact  that TT could and should offer a disabled friendly way of communicating with the company - email being the preferred method - with TT being a service provider - I am extremely surprised that this is not already done !" 


is Live chat not disabled friendly way? 

Ability to have some one speak on your behalf (ie Nominated user scheme. )


You can email but you have to understand you are asking for an account change, new contract/pricing and an agreement of that pricing  so there has to be 100% confirmation that the named account holder is making the change, what if your email was compromised? 


Message 22 of 46

@Arne-TalkTalk @ferguson 

I think that this covers it - the fact  that TT could and should offer a disabled friendly way of communicating with the company - email being the preferred method - with TT being a service provider - I am extremely surprised that this is not already done !

The Equalities Act 2010

The law says you should not be disadvantaged just information or communication is not accessible to you. This is discrimination, and a public body or a service provider would only get away with it if they could show they did this for a very good reason and there was nothing they could do to make information accessible to you.


Equalities applies to Service Providers just as it does to employers

Service providers are required to make changes, where needed, to improve service for disabled customers or potential customers. There is a legal requirement to make reasonable changes to the way things are done (such as changing a policy), to the built environment (such as making changes to the structure of a building to improve access) and to provide auxiliary aids and services (such as providing information in an accessible format, an induction loop for customers with hearing aids, special computer software or additional staff support when using a service).

Reasonable changes are required wherever disabled customers or potential customers would otherwise be at a substantial disadvantage compared with non-disabled people. A substantial disadvantage is more than a minor or trivial disadvantage. Service providers cannot charge disabled customers for reasonable adjustments.


What is reasonable will depend on all the circumstances, including the cost of an adjustment, the potential benefit it might bring to other customers (ramps and automatic doors benefit customers with small children or heavy luggage, for example), the resources an organisation has and how practical the changes are.


The Equality Act 2010 requires that service providers must think ahead and take steps to address barriers that impede disabled people. In doing this, it is a good idea to consider the range of disabilities that your actual or potential service users might have. You should not wait until a disabled person experiences difficulties using a service, as this may make it too late to make the necessary adjustment.


Message 23 of 46

This is not a technical issue its about you trying to renew your contract,  so the Nominated user option is a viable option in this instance. I appreciate that its not ideal, but as ferguson has mentioned live chat is available although of course it does take patience.  


Message 24 of 46

Chat is available, if you persevere a wee bit. Just like for any other customer, fully able, or otherwise. 


Message 25 of 46

@Arne-TalkTalkYou say "will always result in a call"

That's typical of TT (and many other companies) who must fully understand their customers needs better.

I do not want to use a nominated user - I deal with technical matters in my household !! OK ?

And another reason that a DEDICATED DISABLED CUSTOMER help service should be provided- Using email.......  not NGT (Which, from experience DOES NOT WORK)

I can't be the only non-speaking customer - there are probably thousands out there - Sky and BT can manage it - so why not TT ?

The digital switchover is going to cause all sorts of problems, not only for disabled customers but also for the providers - so why not offer help/advice via DEDICATED DISABLED HELP SERVICE ?


Message 26 of 46

Im really sorry that you are still having problems. Raising a complaint will always result in a call which is not going to help in this case. The only way that I can see to resolve this is the nominated user route.


Message 27 of 46


I genuinely don't understand why you are having such difficulties getting on to chat. I have just checked now to test and after going through the usual mildly annoying hoops of bot and security I was connected to an agent within a couple of minutes.


If you don't have a mobile number linked to your TalkTalk account to receive SMS messages then try typing "email" if they ask for one again, they can send you a security PIN that way.


There is a link to Complaints at the bottom of every page.


Insightful One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 28 of 46

How do I raise an official complaint with TT ?

I am unable to even raise a human to "chat" with - whenever I try - I get "We're sorry, our agents are all busy , we will be with you shortly" - this has caused me to wait 45 minutes this morning and 30 minutes this afternoon before being TIMED  OUT.

This is an appalling way to treat a disabled customer who simply wants assistance to remain with / paying TT

I intend to copy my complaint to TT CEO Susie Buckridge (  and ALL of the directors.


Message 29 of 46

All I can advise is to persevere with Live chat, I cant renew accounts anymore, Sorry.  


Insightful One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 30 of 46

@Gliwmaeden2 @Arne-TalkTalk 

Had a look at both links and NGT is a poor alternative to email - Why is there no dedicated disabled email helpline available ?

have you ever tried using NGT ?


When I am trying to have a conversation of a technical nature and the rep is not technical - it is extremely hard to use !



Message 31 of 46

@Weevie, if you leave it needs to be done (or at least confirmed) with a phone call:


You can do a switch to another Openreach provider and if you ask to keep the same number, the provider will inform Talktalk, but you still are recommended to check with Talktalk yourself. 


If you move to another provider for Full Fibre, you absolutely have to tell Talktalk yourself. 


So leaving is not an "easier" option. 


Every company will also have April price rises.


If you have trouble reaching support agents, have you checked out the detailed help articles here?


A lot of help is available to make services more accessible:


Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Insightful One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 32 of 46

I give up

If TT want my continuing custom - they are going to have to do much better

I have tried chat and it times out

I have tried using the online fibre checker

and it freezes with no results

Sorry - but after over 21 years - it looks as if we will be parting company


Message 33 of 46

I AM within 3 months of renewal - in fact my renewal is 2 months today

I see that FTTP is now available - why does it not appear on my account as an upgrade ?

I have tried again to get a human to "chat" to - but not that easy !


Message 34 of 46

You can do all this via Chat, and they'll confirm if there's anything available, @Weevie.


If they ask for a mobile number, it is for ID purposes and in case you ever have a fault on your line.


That's particularly important if you end up ordering VOIP with Full Fibre. If the WiFi goes down the VOIP goes down unless you have battery backup.


When ordering they are careful to check for the need for a phone etc, especially for people needing extra support, hospital / GP contact etc.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 35 of 46

@Arne-TalkTalk @Gliwmaeden2 


It looks like FTTP is available Full fibre packages show when your post code is entered in our fibre checker "

It doesn't even let me in - select fibre checker - you'll presumably get the same as me - put address and length of residence and select SEE PACKAGES - Result - NOTHING !!

It fails



Message 36 of 46

You can only do RENEWALS up to 3 months early.


They then start from the day you renew, not the previous end of contract date.


The lead in time to UPGRADE to Full Fibre is different.


Perhaps @Arne-TalkTalk could confirm whether it's within the final month or out of contract.


However, the facility to set up contracts has long since gone from the forum, @Weevie.



Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 37 of 46

@Gliwmaeden2 @Arne-TalkTalk 

This is exactly what I am trying to do now - 2 months before my 2 year contract expires !

is this too early - why ?

All that I am trying to do is to get a price match (or preferably better) than with TT business - ie) £31.95 inc unlimited calls package.



Message 38 of 46



Most companies will be doing similarly, as they are still entitled to help themselves to an April hike.


For many customers it will be worse than the previous CPI +3.7% except in years of extraordinary inflation. 


The way round it is to time  a renewal shortly before or soon after the hike to minimise the consequences and get back to a sensible price. 



Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Insightful One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 40 of 46

Also - this £3 annual price rise worries me

I have been a TT customer for 21 years - had the £3 annual rise been in place since then - I would have been paying over £90 per month today - when will it stop ?