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First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 3

Me siento engañado y si no me das una explicación... "AHORA" cancelaremos el contrato. El contrato que firmé o hice con usted, no superó las 26 libras por mes, y está cargando a mi cuenta "46.75 libras por mes ... hay varias empresas de internet que son MUCHO más baratas, repito, si no resuelves esto YA, cancelo el contrato. Gracias.


Support Team
Private Message
Message 1 of 3

Hi @JuanJimenez


I have checked your account and your minimum term contract expired on 21/08/24, when this happens your discount ends and the package reverts to full out of contract price. 


Best option would be to call the loyalty team on 03451720088 The will be able to see what options are available to reduce your price per month. 


Sorry for any inconvenience caused. 


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 3



It is more helpful if you could post in English on a UK website for help with your service. 


Please check your billing details. If you are out of contract, you need to call 03451 720088 or use Chat to negotiate a better deal.


Don't use Offers and Upgrades in My Account, if you don't think the deal is good enough. 


Contracts cannot be set up or cancelled through the forum.


If you recently negotiated a new contract you also need to check that it has been set up as expected. 


Check the prices of any boosts / discounts -  and have you been charged for phone calls? Without a boost, these are expensive, even for local calls.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.
Anonymous User