For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.
on 12-02-2025 12:01 AM
Hi, I can't log in to World Of Tanks server. After weekly server maintenance I keep getting message
that World Of Tanks server is not available and error code (E:LOA).
I know from Dicsord that many players have same problem, all using TalkTalk as ISP.
According to Discord community manager explanation, TalkTalk is blocking the connection and not allowing us to reach their server and log in. War Gaming website is also affected.
None of the old tricks work. Any amount of unplugging, reseting etc didn't change anything.
Can someone at TalkTalk take a look at this please?
Apparently it happened before few times with different ISP.
on 13-02-2025 03:49 PM
Glad it is working for you now.
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Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
on 13-02-2025 03:21 PM
Hello , I had the same problem i tryed hard reset on xbox and restarted router did nt make any difference i uninstall game and reinstalled game nps after works fine now
on 13-02-2025 08:51 AM
Hi @AleksG76
I'm so glad to hear this. No changes were made by our Network Team so I'm unsure as to what caused this issue sorry.
on 13-02-2025 08:48 AM
Hi Michelle
It's all good, I can log in now.
Do you know what was a reason for this problem?
on 13-02-2025 06:59 AM
on 12-02-2025 04:03 PM
Great news, can't check it atm but I hope it will work for me too. Do I have to reboot the console or router or both?
Do you know what caused this?
on 12-02-2025 02:28 PM
That's great news, some others have confirmed it is working now, so we are monitoring to confirm if others will confirm access is restored.
Check & Report l Our latest Blog l Set Your Preferences l Service Status l Help with your Service l Community Stars
Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
on 12-02-2025 02:25 PM
I can now now lot into game.
on 12-02-2025 08:54 AM
This is a link to Discord conversation. I know it's alot of reading but maybe it will help to shed some light on the issue.
on 12-02-2025 08:50 AM
Thank you. I will let you know as soon as our Network Team come back to me.
on 12-02-2025 08:50 AM
Done, hope it helps.
on 12-02-2025 08:38 AM
Hi @AleksG76
I've asked our Network Team to take a look at this to see if there are any reported issues.
Please can you add your name and TalkTalk landline number to your Community Profile.
on 12-02-2025 07:15 AM
I too can't get in, could still not this morning. I can't even view wotstars stats.