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No internet after power cut - new router required?

Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 17 of 17


We had a power cut (electricity) late yesterday evening, prior to which our broadband was working as normal.

This morning however, there was no  wi-fi available. I rebooted the router, as per TalkTalk online guidance, but router would not connect to the internet. Router flashes orange (quick flashes, then slow flashes), but no white light.

I contacted TalkTalk chat and was sent an email with further steps to take, but despite trying these, the issue remains - router will not connect to internet. Obviously, I can't run a line check as the router will not connect to the internet.

I work mainly from home and my mobile has a poor signal, so this outage is causing me serious issues.

TalkTalk chat have not (apparently) identified a problem with my line, so I can only assume that the router is at fault. I'd be grateful if one of the Mods could look into this for me and if possible, arrange for a replacement router to be sent out to me asap, so that I can try to get my internet working again.

Many thanks.


Message 1 of 17

Hi @kateswiftie 


Ahh I hope you all feel better soon.


I'm so glad to hear that everything is working ok with the replacement router 🙂


Thank you! Hope you have a lovely Christmas and New Year too 🙂

Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 17


Just a quick update - sorry it's taken so long,  but we've all been laid up with the flu!.

Anyway, pleased to report that the replacement router has arrived and is working fine - thanks to everyone for getting this problem resolved.

I'll be sending the old router back as soon as I'm back in circulation.

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.



Message 3 of 17

No Problem 🙂



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Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.

Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 17

Hi Debbie

Thanks v. much for ordering the replacement router.

Engineer tested the line and said it was working fine and that the issue was with the router, so (fingers crossed!), the new router should solve the problem.

I'll report back to the forum once I've received/tested the new router, to keep you updated.



Message 5 of 17

Hi Kate @kateswiftie 


Apologies for this.


It's strange as the same line fault was still detected when you removed everything from the line, including faceplate and router etc.


I've ordered the router for you now, please allow 24-48hrs for this to arrive.






Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 17



Openreach Engineer has called and has advised that the router is faulty.

He will be putting this in his report but would be grateful if you could send out a replacement router as soon as possible, as I've been without Internet since Monday.

Many thanks




Message 7 of 17

Hi Kate @kateswiftie 


You're very welcome 🙂


We will check in again with you after the engineer visit.


Debbie 🙂


Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 8 of 17

Hi Debbie

Thank you so much for arranging this. I've received a text from Openreach confirming the engineers appointment, so hopefully we can get the issue sorted.

Thanks again for your help - I'll be sure to report back to the forum to let you know the outcome.


Message 9 of 17

Hi @kateswiftie 


We've arranged the Openreach engineer visit for tomorrow 12/12 PM (1pm - 6pm)


Please let us know how you get on following this visit.





Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 10 of 17


I can arrange to be available anytime (AM or PM), so be grateful if you could book earliest available appointment.

I've also confirmed engineer fee info.

Many thanks


Message 11 of 17

Hi @kateswiftie 


Please can you provide a couple of days availability for this visit and I will book the first available appointment (AM and PM)


Can you also confirm potential Engineer charges


Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 12 of 17

Hi Debbie

Thanks for getting back to me - appreciated!

Yes please, I would be very grateful if you could arrange for the Openreach engineer to visit as soon as they are able to, as I work mainly from home and being without Internet is a real problem.

Thanks again for your help.


Message 13 of 17

Hi @kateswiftie 


The line test is still detecting a potential fault towards to the property (with everything removed from the line)


The next step will be an Openreach engineer visit to the property to investigate the fault detected on the line tests.


Would you like me to arrange this visit for you?






Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 14 of 17


Thanks both for getting back to me so promptly. I've run all the router checks, as recommended by TalkTalk, including leaving everything switched off for 30 minutes +, but nothing has helped.

As requested, I've removed everything (faceplate, router, phone) from the line so that a test can be carried out. I'm having to work at my parent's house today, but can get back to my place quickly if needed for anything else.

Thanks again for your help.

Support Team
Private Message
Message 15 of 17

Hi @kateswiftie 


I'm sorry to hear this.


The line test has detected a potential fault towards the property.


Is the router at the test socket at the moment?


Would it be possible to remove everything from the line for 15 minutes (faceplate, router, phone etc) so I can run one more test in this set up?

Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 16 of 17

It may well have been damaged, but do try switching it off for a full 30 minutes which will allow the remote session to be reset. Let us know if that helps.


Otherwise, this has been flagged to the support team here and they can check your line and advise further.

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