Get expert support with your Fibre connection.
on 19-12-2023 09:32 PM
Hi All,
My fibre 150 service keeps dropping out for the last 4 weeks. I contacted talktalk services for 3 times in this period and I don’t get any recommendation other than switching off and on the router and modem. Anytime connection is lost, I switch off and wait 20 mins for router to reset. This morning it’s gone again and I spent half am hour on the phone after those usual switch off/on did not work. The connection comes back when I wait on the phone with advisor, but then goes again. Even if the connection comes back, it is not reliable. I cannot simply switch off the router and wait for 20 mins in the middle of online business meeting everyday. Reaching a real human is almost impossible, even live chat is useless when you lost connection in the evening. I’m fed up chatting woth useless bots.
I don’t want to waste my time any further with ridiculously checking if ethernet cable is plugged or not or the router is powered or not.Is there a way to get this service peovider to take this problem serious and sort it out. Otherwise I will change the peovider. It is beyond being acceptable errors now.
on 20-12-2023 03:23 PM
OK, please let us know how you get on
Chris, Community Team
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on 20-12-2023 03:07 PM
Hi All, engineer came over today and did some checks. Advised me to change the modem first as he thinks router is ok. I contacted talktalk chat service and they confirm shipment of new modem to me. I'll try with that one when I receive it.
on 20-12-2023 06:50 AM
Thank you for the update and please let us know how you get on.
on 19-12-2023 11:35 PM
OK, keep us posted.
on 19-12-2023 11:08 PM
I managed to chat with a member from support team and openreach engineer booked for tomorrow.
on 19-12-2023 11:06 PM
OK, thanks for that.
on 19-12-2023 11:05 PM
Hi, it's G fast
on 19-12-2023 11:00 PM
Can you just clarify if this is a, or Full Fibre service you have? Subject to that, the support team here will be happy to look into this for you when they are back online tomorrow.