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Help with intermittent internet connection

Message 3 of 3

At the weekend during the storm our internet stopped working.

I've been with TalkTalk since they were AOL (so a long time).

I reported the fault and took the day off work so that an engineer could come out earlier today to fix the issue.

He replaced the socket and ran some line tests etc and said all was working fine.

My internet worked fine for about an hour and then the router drops and keeps flashing orange.

Tonight I've spent over an hour on live chat, resetting the router, restarting the router, waiting for line tests etc to be carried out.

It worked fine again for 20 minutes and so I attempted to watch a TV show on Netflix and my wifi signal is just too weak to stream anything.

This is beyond frustrating, going from a service that's always been seemless to having 5 days with no internet. None of my set up has changed in my house, the only thing that's happened is the storm.

When I look on my mobile phone it is picking up  a stronger wifi signal from my next door neighbours who have Virgin and a Virgin Booster. 

Is there any way I can be sent a replacement router so that I can rule out the router being the issue? I suggested this on live chat but they just suggested another engineer appointment. I can't keep taking time off work to resolve this.



Support Team
Private Message
Message 1 of 3

Good morning,


I'm sorry to hear this. I've run a test on the line now which hasn't detected a fault.


I have ordered a replacement router, please allow 24-48hrs for this to arrive.


Please let us know how you get on.






Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 3

Hi @spiderwebattic I'm sure the team here will help you. Do you have anything connected by ethernet, if yes how is that performing?

Your post has been escalated. 

I don't work here and all my opinions are my own.