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Is upgrading to fibre 65 Just a market Tool

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 20 of 20

In April 23 as part of my new contract I was offered and upgrade to fibre 65 from my existing fibre 35.  This was part of the negotiation to stay with TT.  I am not a heavy  internet user so didn't really see much change.


My nephew has now come to stay for a few months and is an online gamer.  He says the internet speed we have is very poor for the advertised service.  We are getting around 27 mbps download. I have logged into the router and confirm this is the fact.


See  attached screenshot



 I have tried a few things to see if I can improve the speed.  Powered off for 30 minutes to allow resync.  Plugged the router via a microfilter into the master NTE and even changed the microfilters but have seen no change.

Contacted TT  support  via a chat  and spent 3 hrs going around in circles  until the support girl then said that the 27 mbps was a perfectly good speed for the Fibre 65 on my line and that TT will only guarantee 22.1 mbps.  So why was I offered an upgrade to Fibre 65 when basically TT are  saying my line could only take Fibre 35 speeds.


I did some checking and both Openreach and BTwholesale websites say FTTC internet should have a speed between 55 and 35 mbps at my address.  If i understand the table right BTwholesale say the minimum speed below which the users can hand the line back is 29 mbps. Why have TT said my minimum is 22.1 mbps




Looking at the router broadband information  my maximum download rate is only 33mbps.  Shouldn't this be somewhere between 50 and 60 mbps for a Fibre 65 service. The up and down noise safety coefficients seem very low.  I believe from reading posts on here that a figure of below 6  is a bad line and below 10 is poor.


Does anyone have any suggestion of what I can do next?  I live on an unadopted  road and openreach are already having problems installing FTTP to a couple of other properties.

I would really like the service from TT that they sold me last year so my nephew can game happily.



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Message 1 of 20



Ok thank you for the update 🙂







Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 20


router has been up all weekend.  Download speed increased to 49500 but has now dropped to 48800.


Would appear to be stable but fluctuating a little arounf 49000.  I'm happy with is speed as long as it is relatively stable.


Will continue to monitor over the coming weeks.  Thanks for you help




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Message 3 of 20



How has your connection been over the last week?







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Message 4 of 20

Good morning,


Thanks for the update. I wouldn't make any changes at the moment to see how the connection/speed gets on over the next few days. We'll check back in with you on Monday to see how you're getting on if that's ok?





Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 20

Thanks a lot better


Currently Download speed is now 45500 and max download is 43900.  I assume that if there is noise on the line the actual download speed will come down a bit.


Is it still worth my brother changing the master socket to an NTE5c with the VDSL mk4 front plate?


Message 6 of 20



Can you test now and see if speeds have improved.




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Message 7 of 20



The DLM profile has not changed.  Tests are clear however there is a note saying that services were recently affected by a network event so I'll see if I can request Openreach to reset the profile for you.


I'll let you know as soon as I hear back.  Should be within the hour.




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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 8 of 20

Well new Router has now been installed for 17 days and the download speed is still stuck at 27400.  The max download rate has crept up to 41700 but DLM is still limiting my line.

In the 17 days the only issue was a router reset at 0845 last wednesday morning.  My brother is a little worried that there might be some REIN on the line.  He says that we are running VDSL via an old pre 2007 NTE5a master socket which has no passive filter, not even a bell circuit filter.  He can't understand why I was upgraded from ADSL to fibre 35 and then fibre 65 without the master socket being upgraded.  The newer NTE5c with the Mk4 has much better filters including these for REIN and is designed for VDSL circuits.


He says he is happy to switch the NTE even those it should really be done by Openreach.


In the meantime is there any way we can force DLM to reset its restrictions.


Support Team
Private Message
Message 9 of 20

Hi Nechnovice1958,

DLM is restricting your speed but hopefully you brother's improvements to the internal wiring will result in DLM moving your to a faster profile. Could you bump the thread in a couple of days and we'll check the line again




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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 10 of 20

My brother, who is a telecomms engineer, came around last weekend and installed the new router. He showed me how to connect it to the NTE test port. When connected we got a maximum download line rate of 44000 but the actual download rate was still stuck at 27400. He said this was the DSLAM limiting the rate via DLM and that 27400 was the best speed available on the third worst rate limiting band on the 80/20 openreach FTTC service.


I want the router upstairs in my office and when coonected there we were only getting 33000 maximum download line rate. My brother then took a look at the internal extension wiring and said it was a joke. The builders had installed the wires without using a punch down tool. They had stripped the insolation and pushed the wires in with a screewdrivwr. He did some repair and alo took out the ring circuit which he said acted like a noise collector. After this the router was now showing a maximum download line rate of 41400 upstais but actual rate was still stuck at 27400.


The router has been left on all week. The maximum download line rate has now increased to 42400 but the actual rate is still stuck at 27400. I know that some people have said it takes upto 10 days for DLM to change it line restriction but shouldn't I have seen some change by now on what appears to be a much better line?


Message 11 of 20



A new router is on the way and should be with you in a day or two.




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Message 12 of 20

Yes that’s ok.  I will have to get my nephew to install it.  Would that be upstairs or by the NTE.


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Message 13 of 20



Thanks for confirming. I think we should send a replacement router for testing purposes as this is one of our older routers. Would this be ok?







Message 14 of 20

The router was only connected for 20 minutes after connecting.  My current router is hg635  as per my screen grab.  Sorry it’s hard to read.  The router was supplied when I upgraded to Fibre 35 around Dec 2021


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Message 15 of 20


Could I just ask, how long was the router originally connected to the test socket for as it can take between 24-48hrs for DLM to make changes to the speed if the connection remains stable? Are you currently using the wifi hub router? How long have you had this router for?







Message 16 of 20

Just to confirm my NTE is the really old type without a test port.  It only has a single port for connecting the micro filter


Message 17 of 20

No the router is back up stairs but I can move it again.  I have an old huawei hg533 we used ages ago Not sure it fireware will be upto date and if it  works with Fibre 65 vdsl


Let me know if u want the router moved or If I should attach the older router?


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Message 18 of 20

Good afternoon,


I'm sorry to hear this. I've run a test on your line now which hasn't detected a fault. Is the router still connected to the test socket at the moment please? Do you also have an alternative router that you could test with?







Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 19 of 20

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