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Eero Return

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 7 of 7



I've cancelled my service and I've got one Eero Pro 6 and another I got separately. I'd like to keep my Eero from TalkTalk. 


They've asked for it to be returned but going by the terms and conditions I own the device. 


Can I still be charged if I don't return it for recycling?


If yes are the terms and conditions wrong?


Thank you


Message 1 of 7



Yes I am out of contract. 


I don't mind not having the Eero secure subscription.


If the device does get deactivated I will most definitely return it to TalkTalk for recycling.


Thank you 

Message 2 of 7

If you've completed the initial TalkTalk contract in full so that you're out of contract when the service is cancelled then you're absolutely right that the standard Terms & Conditions do say you own the hardware.


However, you don't 'own' the eero Secure subscription that TalkTalk supply with the free-issue eero. If TalkTalk cease to renew that eero Secure subscription then the device as supplied will not work. So, as long as you're aware of this and you say you are and are not bothered by deactivation. I just consider that a device that doesn't work does need recycling and TalkTalk will do this for you as part of it's environmental responsibilities. 

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 3 of 7

Hi Arne thanks for your reply.


But per the terms and conditions it is mine. I own it. How can I be charged for not returning it? I can't understand this at all. 


If this is the case I will return it. 


I also don't think it will be deactivated. I've had also had an Eero 6 from eBay from an ex eBay customer for over two years.




Message 4 of 7

We will ask for it to be returned,  like all our equipment if its not returned there is a £50 charge,  but it will be deactivated eventually. 

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 7

Hi Gondola,


Thanks for your reply. I don't plan on returning to TalkTalk for the next 18 months.


I've seen on Reddit that people have used their TalkTalk Eero with VM. I'm happy to risk the device being deactivated but I'm not entirely sure TT will do this or can.


So I'd still like to keep it and going by the T&C's it's mine.


Thank you


Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 7

There's no point in keeping the eero unless you plan on returning to TalkTalk to use the eero on an eero enabled package.  The terms of use of the eero supplied free by TalkTalk is that the eero is for use only on the TalkTalk network and with eero enabled packages.



eero restricted use Terms and Conditions


GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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