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Full Fibre Install Delays

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 8 of 8

Hi, I was supposed to have my full fibre installed on the 15th of January but the engineer who showed up only installed the wall socket inside our flat and on the flat roof outside but didn't connect the fibre optic cable outside as it needed to be pulled up to the flat roof (I told TalkTalk this when I set up my account but I guess that detail got lost somewhere). A week later, another engineer shows up (unannounced) and buzzes saying he's going to connect the cable but then once he realises he needs to go on the roof he says "I'll loose my job" and just leaves. Then on the 28th, two more engineers show up to install the wall socket (like the first guy already did) and also complain that they have to go on the flat roof. They finish the install and connect the cable outside this time but weren't able to complete the job due to a "high light reading", meaning we still don't have Internet. I've been in touch with the TalkTalk customer support chat for almost 10h (most of this spent waiting) and each time they give a new excuse for why the works haven't been completed, the most recent one being that the engineers don't want to use ladders to climb up to the roof, which seems like it should be part of their job, and isn't relevant as we have let every single one onto the roof via door in our flat.

I've spent 3 hours waiting to get connected to the complaints department and never gotten through either. After the latest attempt at an install, I haven't had any news or updates about when I can expect the services to go live.


There seems to be extensive miscommunication going on between TalkTalk and Openreach and all I want to know is when I will get the services set up. Any advice?


Message 1 of 8

Sorry Ive no Idea why this is happening, but you will be entitled to auto compensation for the continued delays.


Message 2 of 8



Openreach have been aware they need a flat roof engineer since November 29th when I made the order. Can you explain why they're sending non trained engineers after 5 appointments?


Message 3 of 8

The notes say the install requires a Flat roof engineer.  Sadly Openreach only deal with the providers they don't have a customer facing team, Sorry.


Message 4 of 8

Yes, but they did not help activate the service or explain why I am getting more delays after already waiting so long. I think it'd be most helpful if I was able to speak to the Openreach service team directly, is that possible? 


Message 5 of 8

Message 6 of 8



A manager has been in touch yet the engineer that got sent after my phone call with the manager still didn't show up as they claim to not be trained to go on the roof. Can someone explain why they are still sending untrained engineers even after I've spoken to a manager? This is the 5th engineering appointment and they've known about the roof since November.


Furthermore, the PON light on my ONT box is blinking green, suggesting to me that all I need is a line activation. The customer support team I spoke to on the phone hung up on me after I was on hold for 10 minutes and the online chat wasn't helpful either.


Support Team
Private Message
Message 7 of 8

Hi Edward-EJ


There is a open complaint so we cant interfere on the community.   


A complaints manager will be in contact 

