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Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Private Message TalkTalk

Message 119 of 119

Surely someone can help me on this. Hours spent on the phone and on the online chat bots. 

Talk Talk engineer booked to come out to me, he turns up, he is an independent engineer who hasn't a clue about the Eero boxes and totally wasted 2 hours of my life.

2 hours on the phone to SUPPORT wow!!! After 35 minutes of going through all the information being transferred 3 times to different people. Explaining about the lights on the Eero and the Fibre box to be asked, can I make sure they have been switched on. If you are going to employ people from a call centre please please train them.

2 hours on the phone I explained I had tried 5 different Eero units and I was not told that there is a router Eero which I should have. The engineer turned up with one he didn't know it was a router box????


Still no connection. Still annoyed... 


Sky worked up until midnight on the 9th. My connection with Talk talk "Went live!!!!!!" on the 3rd, I tried then and was advised wait until your sky connection switches off and it will be ok.


Funny enough just a staling tactic. Sky switched off, Talk Talk still not connecting, still the same error. Where the Eero cannot be assigned a WAN address. Surely this is a simple fix. Your servers are not releasing an IP address to the Eero here. 


Can some one with some knowledge please respond to me.

118 REPLIES 118

Message 101 of 119

OK thanks, I'll check it now and get back to you



Message 102 of 119

Hi Chris


Ok mine is now switched off.



Message 103 of 119

Can you switch your ONT off and let me know when you've done this, and I'll check the line



Message 104 of 119

There has been confusion ever since Full Fibre was installed at the properties 3-4 years ago.


There is no number on either of our OpenReach boxes.


There are two ONT numbers at this property one ending in 933 and one ending in 631.


At the moment I am connected to their BT connection posting this. Which you say you are connected to.


I have the serial number of both fibre boxes in the house if that helps any more?


I had an open reach engineer out to my property on Saturday I would have hoped he had checked the ONT numbers where correct coming into my property but he seemed to not be very well trained and hadn't a clue how any of your connection worked which was very worrying


Message 105 of 119

If their ONT is with BT I won't be able to connect to it. Just to confirm, does the ONT in your home have the serial number ending 933?




Message 106 of 119

Ok so I have another number.


Where shall I post that?


Sounds like there has been confusion as to which ONT is to which address. 


My fibre box is not connected so you must be connected to the other property.


They are on BT if you switch connection from that box to mine will they loose their connection?


Message 107 of 119

OK thanks. The last 3 digits on the ONT are 933, The IP address of the router connected to this ONT is the same as the IP address that you are posting from.



Message 108 of 119

No they are with BT a completely separate house and account. For some unknown reason there is always confusion with the two properties.


I have explained this when I took the account and also numerous times to your support on the phone


The account number here is mine and mine only.


Can you confirm the last 3 digits of the ONT my account is connected to please


Message 109 of 119

Are both lines on the same account number, the one you've entered in your profile?



Message 110 of 119

Sorry just checked I have piggy backed on to my neighbours wifi.


I think you have just found the issue.


At this address there is 2 ONT numbers and 2 fibre boxes, one for the main farm house which I live in and one for the barns which my sister in law lives in. 


It sounds like you have pointed my connection to the wrong ONT number


Are you pointed at the ONT that ends in 933?



Message 111 of 119

Apologies but are you sure that you are connected to the 4G network at the moment as the IP address that you appear to be posting from is the same as the one showing on our systems as the IP address allocated to your router




Message 112 of 119

I'm posting via a 4G connection I have had to set up.


I definitely have no connection via my fibre or I wouldn't be so annoyed


Message 113 of 119

OK thanks. From our side everything seems to be OK, it's showing that you have an Internet connection and IP address. Could I just ask how are you currently connected to the internet, posting on the Community?



Message 114 of 119

Yes I currently have one of your eeros Model: NO10001 connected and the lights are on the ONT and when it tries to make a connection you can see the light flash on the ONT  


But the Eero app reports not able to get a WAN ip


Message 115 of 119

I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean about the eeros, do they have a label with the model number?


So just to confirm, you currently have an eero connected to the ONT? Which lights are on. on the ONT?



Message 116 of 119

I've just checked again this morning, I still have no connection.


When you got through the set up on the Eero app it shows that it is unable to get a WAN IP address


One question for you while I have your attention. The engineer left a smaller Eero device which is a router, when you sent the 2 Eero's to me I only received the standard type.


I am trying with the router one now, but have tried 5 different other ones, as my house is networked with them.




Support Team
Private Message
Message 117 of 119

Hi Archers,


You appear to have an Internet connection now, do you have the eero connected?



Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 118 of 119

Forum staff are not back before Monday, @Archers.


Phone support for this won't be available before then.


Chat is live now, but you need to answer the initial bot questions first and then get put through.


You can do this via mobile data etc to reach them and just clear security questions. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.