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on 10-01-2025 09:48 AM
Please help! Day 8 without internet connection since Outreach came to connect full fibre. There was no connection when the engineer left. He said I would have to contact Talktalk as the problem was likely at their end. I have now spent 10 hours being passed from one agent to another including the complaints team who, in spite of promising a call back twice, have failed to get back to me. I am going round in circles and am no further forward. I’ve also tried the 0345 number and have been directed to the chat. I don’t know where to go next. I am normally very calm and patient but my stress levels are now through the roof! What next?
12-02-2025 08:35 PM - edited 13-02-2025 12:41 PM
" If you are thinking of taking on Talk Talk fast fibre installation, you should consider our experience to date. People don't turn up when they say they will, they turn up to do work that has already been done, they leave site without telling you what is going on, they turn up unexpectedly without any warning, they do not contact you when they say they will and you just sit and wait and wait. It's the height of frustration."
Collin you have had a bad experience but the fact is for 99% of all TalkTalk customers the engineer turns up on time on the day they say they will and installs FTTP and leaves with everything working fine, forums like this seem to say the opposite but we all know customers don't join sites like this to tell everyone how well things went but always do to tell everyone when things didn't go so well.
To balance your negative post -
My install last year went flawlessly, the engineer turned up on time asked where i wanted the ONT, installed the ONT where i wanted it and left one hour later with my connection working perfectly.
Does the above statement put me in a huge minority because most new installs end in the installer leaving the customer with no internet of course not, you really do need to stop hijacking members threads to post your anti TalkTalk hate.
on 12-02-2025 07:59 PM
We applied for new Talk Talk fast fibre installation over 5 months go and it has still not been installed. If you are thinking of taking on Talk Talk fast fibre installation, you should consider our experience to date. People don't turn up when they say they will, they turn up to do work that has already been done, they leave site without telling you what is going on, they turn up unexpectedly without any warning, they do not contact you when they say they will and you just sit and wait and wait. It's the height of frustration.
on 20-01-2025 07:09 AM
Glad the engineer resolved this for you.
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on 18-01-2025 09:24 AM
I have wi-fi!! Thank you for your perseverance in pushing to resolve this.
on 17-01-2025 04:29 PM
Hi Michelle,
Openreach engineer booked for Saturday morning. I’m hoping he will finally be able to make the connection! I’ll update here tomorrow.
on 17-01-2025 10:46 AM
Hi Julia,
How are you getting on?
on 14-01-2025 10:29 AM
Hi Julia,
Thanks for the update and I'm glad to hear this. I'll check back with you on Friday.
on 14-01-2025 10:24 AM
Update: Just received a call from Technical Team. Hoping to have this issue resolved by close on Thursday. Further update then.
on 14-01-2025 09:17 AM
Thank you for your efforts Michelle but it appears the team are not listening. I look forward to having a response later today and finally getting this resolved.
on 14-01-2025 09:11 AM
Hi Julia,
I'm really sorry. I've contacted the Team Manager and asked that this is picked up straight away. I'll post straight back as soon as I receive an update.
on 13-01-2025 10:15 PM
Thank you. I have read the information which states that Talktalk have 2 working days to try to fix the problem. Talk talk were informed on 03/01 as soon as the full fibre had been installed and have had 6 working days to try to fix it and have done nothing. My complaint was also logged on the same day after 3 hours on the live chat. I will do as you advise and leave the DD in place but I will be cancelling the contract as soon as I am able to speak to someone.
on 13-01-2025 09:43 PM
@JuliaH8, leave the Direct Debit in place, because you are too late to stop the system trying to process the payment on Thursday. It's less than 3 working days away, so would simply incur extra charges and could end up affecting your credit rating.
There's an automatic compensation scheme for complete loss of service / delay to service starting etc, so read this article as it explains it all:
on 13-01-2025 05:17 PM
Still no communication from Talktalk today. How do I get a resolution to this ongoing issue? I plan to cancel the direct debit payment due on 16/01 as I have had no internet since installation on 02/01.
on 13-01-2025 08:10 AM
Hi Julia,
Apologies, I've chased this for an update now.
on 13-01-2025 08:06 AM
No contact over the weekend apart from an email to say first payment will be taken on Thursday! I would be very grateful if you would chase this for me. Many thanks.
on 13-01-2025 06:58 AM
Have you been contacted since your last post? If not then I can chase this for you.
on 10-01-2025 09:54 PM
There's still a chance they contact you over the weekend, @PandoraS15.
However forum staff are not on here again before Monday.
on 10-01-2025 09:41 PM
No contact from anyone today. Tried the chat again this evening but after 2 hours waiting to be transferred to an agent, closed the conversation at 9.08. No further forward.
on 10-01-2025 11:36 AM
No problem. You should hopefully be contacted today.
on 10-01-2025 11:33 AM
Thank you!