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Switching back to talktalk

Chat Champion
Private Message
Message 73 of 73

I was with talktalk for years and the service was great.  I decided to change over to virgin, but had loads of internet outages.


I decided to swap back to talktalk as I need reliable internet with working from home.  


I was due to go live today, but internet is still not connected.  I saw it briefly connect at lunchtime for about half an hour then it died again.


I also have not received my 2 Eero Pros yet either.  Can someone please help?  I am not really getting anywhere on the phone.  They just said I am connected. 


I work in IT and very familuar with internet setups.  I even have a netgear nighthawke router wifi 6 router I plugged into my BT modem and it is not able to pick the internet up.  But it is picking it up from my virgin router ok.


Message 1 of 73


No problem 🙂 We're here if you need us.


Michelle 🙂



Message 2 of 73

Absolutely.  I cant believe we hit 70 posts on this one lol.  But I am happy for this to be closed off!!!!


Message 3 of 73



Ok, I understand. Would it be ok to create a new post in the My Account and Billing section so my colleague Arne can take a look at this for you.






Message 4 of 73

Morning Michelle,


Yes they are I now have two account numbers.  A very old account and the current account.  The current account shows up correctly and has been updated with the FTTP number.   It would be great if the old account could be removed, it has an old address in it with a dialup line I had way back in the day!


But it is cosmetic at this point.  I am extremely happy with everything. 


Message 5 of 73



I'm really glad to hear this 🙂 So just to confirm, are your new account details now showing when you log into your My Account?






Message 6 of 73

Hi Michelle,


Everything is going great so far.  I did have to reset my netgear router as I was having wifi problems yesterday morning.  But I fully expected to do that as I think it had rouge settings from being attached to the virgin router. 


Once I wiped everything was 100% speeds are amazing.  Getting 850+mb close to the router and 350+mb at furthest point with doors closed.  I still have some tweaks to do to the router and may get even better performance.  I quickly tried the Eero Pro routers, but wasn't getting as good speeds.  I think they are overkill possibly for the size of the house (1200 square feet).




I checked my account this morning and now got the FTTP number, which I have updated my profile with.  So the last thing would be the old account number.  It is very old and even has a dial up connection in it!!  Would it be possible to get it removed?  But minor at this point.


Michelle, you and your team here on the forums are exactly why I wanted to re-join talktalk!  



Message 7 of 73

Great 🙂 I look forward to hearing how you get on 🙂




Message 8 of 73

The two routers have arrived so it is a matter of setting them up now! 

Message 9 of 73



Great thanks. We'll check back in with you on Monday to see how you're getting on.


Michelle 🙂


Message 10 of 73

I split the wifi SSID on my Netgear router, so I can choose which network I want my devices to join.  So this is standing a few feet away from the router up the stairs, but direct line of sight:


 And this is as far away upstairs as I can get in the house with the doors closed.  


I am hoping when the Eero Pro 6 routers arrive that second screen shot speed will improve further.  I plan to have my second Eero router plugged in at that point, with a wired backhaul back to the main one in the hallway.  Watch this space!!!!

Message 11 of 73



Well this is a nice surprise to come into! I'm really glad to hear this 🙂 How are your speeds looking? It can take a few days for everything to fully update.






Message 12 of 73

It sometimes takes a while for accounts to update, @srjohnston80.


Not in itself anything to worry about.


Wonderful that you are finally up and running!

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 13 of 73



Hi Michelle, good news!  My internet is up and running.  I plugged my router in as a test about 9pm last night and it actually connected!!!!  I am up and running on my BT ONT box and my Netgear RAX200 router.  It just plugged straight in.  My virgin router is now turned off which is awesome.


Now when I log in to my account, I still see my order number and inflight, so that makes me a little nervous.  I do not have my fttp number yet.  Also my account is still showing the two accounts,  I am also hoping my Eero routers will arrive today as well.  But it is so awesome to be back with Talktalk again.  

Doing speed tests I am getting 940mb at the router and even sitting up stairs in my study I am getting 850mb+ 


Message 14 of 73



Once they are dispatched they usually arrive within 24-48hrs so hopefully they arrive today or tomorrow by the latest.




Michelle 🙂


Message 15 of 73

Morning, no tracking info yet, but hopefully they will arrive today.


Message 16 of 73

Brilliant thanks 🙂 The tracking info should follow.




Message 17 of 73

Oh any word on the Eero delivery?  Has it been dispatched yet?  


Edit just got the email to say the eero router has been dispatched, but no tracking info on it.  Hopefully it will arrive tomorrow. 

Message 18 of 73

Good morning,


No problem 🙂 We'll check back in with you on Friday 🙂






Message 19 of 73

Looking forward to getting them.  I was testing out a couple of old Eero Pro 5 devices I have to see what speeds are like.  I know wifi 5 can max out at around 700mb. 


My current setup Virgin hub 5 router, 1gb line, getting full 1gb speed. 


Eero pro 5 router plugged in upstairs via a 20 meter network cable.  It maxes out at around 700mb.  I then have a second Eero Pro 5 in my living room, it is setup as a wired backhaul to the primary one over a  50 meter cat 7 cable.  But for some reason I am only getting max 350 - 400mb wifi in the living room.  Is the 50 meter cable just to long a span for it?  I am surprised I am getting such a difference between the two boxes.  I hope the Eero pro 6 performs better.


Message 20 of 73



I've been advised that the router will be dispatched later today or tomorrow so it should definitely arrive in time.



