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Trying to upgrade to full fibre and failing

Team Player
Private Message
Message 2 of 2

Full fibre was installed in our street about 6 months ago and one of our neighbours has upgraded to 900MB with BT and it works well.

I have been getting emails for several months from TALKTALK  suggesting I upgrade to FF, but if I go into my acount it only shows me Fibre 150.

If I enter my postcode and house number as a new customer I get offered up to 900MB.

I bit the bullet and rang TALKTALK up and was told the only upgrade they could offer me was F150 as there was no FullFibre in my area, I explained the above and they went awat to the Customer Loyalty team who came back with the same message, not available.

To see were I got to I went as a new customer and was able to select FF900 as being available at my address, but interestingly when I click selecting it, it then gives an error saying not available.

I have told them I'll give them a month to sort it out and as I am outside of my contract period will move to BT, who are offering F900 for £42 (compared to TT £50) and I''ll pay the £5 a month to keep my email accounts.


Support Team
Private Message
Message 1 of 2

Hi gallag-player


Thanks for your post.


Your service is currently Gfast, this means that there is no option to upgrade to Full Fibre without first cancelling the line and installing a new one which would require a loss of service for around 10 days. 


Sorry for any confusion.