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Home Phone

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When will my home phone be converted to VOIP?

Problem Solver
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 45 of 45

My internet is City Fibre, but my home phone is still connected to Openreach copper. The home phone has started to have crackly interference. I tried to get line tested via th talktalk account, but got a message saying that the automatic test was disabled and I would be converted to VOIP in the next few months. I tried to start a chat but that failed, so I'm trying to decide whether to pursue the problem further or just wait for the conversion. Hence the question in the subject title.


Message 21 of 45

Hi Pedant


Line test it picking up a potential problem, is your telephone currently connected to your test socket - Your guide to main phone sockets - TalkTalk Help & Support




Message 22 of 45

I thought my last message had prompted some action when my son told me on Saturday that my landline was going directly to voicemail, so I started a long chat trying to find out when the VoIP would go live. I was eventually told that I would now need to wait 30 days. When I tried testing the landline connection again I found that there is an intermittent (much more not working than working) fault on th copper connection. I can't run a connection test because my broadband is FTTP and my landline is copper, so could someone on here run a landline test and report the fault please.


Problem Solver
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 23 of 45

Arne, It's now two weeks since I was told that I would just have to wait 'a few more days', but unsurprisingly there is still no sign of anything happening. I really don't want to spend more hours on a chat, only to be told to wait again, and then find nothing happens. I've also noticed that you guys haven't been able to help others in similar positions to me. I'm starting to get annoyed by this, and have already looked into transferring to Vodafone. It would be a shame for TalkTalk to lose a long term, loyal customer, just because they can't communicate the status of an action that they asked for.


Could you please try to get some means for us to be able to monitor what's happening.


As always, thanks for your help


Problem Solver
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 24 of 45

Arne, Perhaps foolishly I spent another hour on a chat yesterday (13/2,) and eventually got through to Giovanie, who was the agent who initiated the ' order' during my chat on 29/1. He told me that everything is OK and that I just have to wait for a few more days. Reading between the lines of chat, I suspect his department are overwhelmed with demand, and are also unable to communicate with those who will actually make the technical changes. Presumably City Fibre in my case.

Anyway, I guess I'll have to wait and chat again in a week or two if nothing happens.


I'll post again if there's any change.


Message 25 of 45



Unfortunately, as I suspected, nothing that is apparent to me has happened in the '7 to 10 days of work' predicted. I've been monitoring my online account but nothing has changed in that.


I think it's now time for me to ask you to investigate and let me know if anything is happening, if not why not and when I should expect some communication from someone who is actually doing something.


Thanks in advance for your help.


Message 27 of 45

Arne here's an  update:

On Wednesday 29/1 I started a chat about this at 12:55, by 13:59 I had chatted with at least 3 agents who didn't seem to understand, but the last one transferred the chat to Giovanie in the 'TalkTalk Full Fibre Order Management Team' who set up an order for my landline service to be converted to VoIP under my existing contract and with no implementation charge or increase in my monthly charge. He told me that I would receive an SMS or email telling me what I need to do in 7 to 10 'days of work'. 


I'll post again when something happens, or if the deadline expires.


Message 28 of 45

Hi Pedant


There is still nothing showing, I would recommend calling and speaking to the full fibre team


Call on 03451720088 


Problem Solver
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 29 of 45

Arne, Thanks for your response. This afternoon I received a snail mail copy of the email that gave me the 4 options. This makes me even more uncertain about the position as I've already opted for option 3 online, and got the response I quoted above implying I would receive an SMS when the changes have been made. I would be most grateful if you could find out if the changes are going through and let me know.

Thanks for your help.


Message 30 of 45

I cant see anything at the moment, give it till next week and we can check directly with City Fibre


Problem Solver
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 31 of 45


Thanks for your reply. I decided to click option 3 and after a couple of interactions I got this:


which I hope you can read.

I can't yet find any trace of any change on my online account, so I'm a bit concerned that I may wait a few weeks but nothing will happen.

Are you able to confirm that my (free) switch to VOIP is in a queue somewhere awaiting action.

As always, thanks for your help.


Message 32 of 45

Hi Pedant


Voip is available on City fibre, but its still not possible to add it to your current data only package, you would need to place a brand new order and specifically ask for a Voip package. 


Your minimum term ends on the 21/05 so you have time to decide. 




Problem Solver
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 33 of 45

I received an email telling me that 'The price for your service is changing',  and telling me that the copper phone service is being phased out and if I want to continue to use it I need to pay an extra £12 a month. It also lists 4 options for me to choose. Option 3 ' Switch to Full Fibre with Digital Voice' which says I can switch to VoIP, retaining my existing number, at no increase in monthly cost.


That sounds good to me, but I doubt that it applies to my CityFibre connection.


Can you tell me if I really have this option, and, if not, what options I do have.


Thanks for your help.


Message 34 of 45

Hi Pedant


I'm so glad to hear that this fault has been resolved 🙂


I have sent you a Private Message with a link to a short survey for the Community.






Message 35 of 45

That's great news Pedant, thanks for letting us know



Message 36 of 45

Openreach texted me early this morning saying that they had fixed a problem and asking me text 'FIXED' if I was happy with the fix.


I've now had a couple of successful calls so I've agreed that they've fixed it.


Thanks Arne, Debbie and Michelle for your help.

Message 37 of 45

Hi Pedant


This fault is still with Openreach, no additional updates at the moment.


I will continue to monitor this.




Message 38 of 45

Hi again,


Oh excellent, that was quick 🙂 Hopefully it won't take too long for the engineer to resolve. 


Michelle 🙂


Message 39 of 45

I've just had a text from Openreach saying that they've allocated an engineer.

Message 40 of 45

Good afternoon,


Thank you for confirming this. The line test is still detecting the potential line fault so I've passed this straight over to Openreach now to complete an external line investigation. I will re-check the fault again first thing in the morning and will post a further update back then.



