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How to delete a programme from the schedule on a 4K TV box?

Team Player
Private Message
Message 42 of 42

I have been supplied with a 4k TV Box and I hate it!

Amongst many other things it doesn't do, is that it seems impossible to delete a scheduled recording from the schedule once the series has been watched.

There has to be a way of doing this otherwise it will end up with many programmes that cannot be deleted.

If anyone has found a way of doing this, please, please let me know because (as they say) it is doing my head in!

Silver surfer but been using and messing about with computers since MS DOS 5

Message 1 of 42



As my colleagues have indicated, TalkTalk do not have a multi tuner box, both supplied boxes now only have a single tuner.



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Message 2 of 42


If you want a Humax PVR then buy one, other makes are available, although in increasingly diminishing numbers. Some ISPs still provide their own recording boxes as part of their service, but you can judge for yourself whether the prices they charge are to your liking. 


Message 3 of 42

The TV hub is only available to future fibre customers 


It's single tuner and does not record.


They have stated on more than one occasion that they will not re-enter the PVR market.

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Team Player
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Message 4 of 42

My original post has generated a lot of replies; most hate this 4k TV box.

After reading a recent post, am I correct that Talktalk now offer a twin tuner box?

If anyone from Talktalk actually reads these posts, perhaps they might like to scrap the present 4K box and supply us with something like the Humax Aura that records on 4 channels 

or this one FVP-5000T Freeview Play Recorder 



Silver surfer but been using and messing about with computers since MS DOS 5

Message 5 of 42

Hi Karl . Since I did the factory re-set I can record on 101 and 102 so I'll persevere with it for the time being !  Like so many others on here , I've invested so much of my time since this box arrived ,( including hours on the phone to talktalk and live chat )  not to mention the expense !!  usb stick that didn't work , replacing that with sandisk , only because I searched on here !!  Aerial splitter so we can watch tv while recording ( again , only because I searched on here ) This means we now need 2 remotes all the time !!  This box and remote arrive with no instructions whatsoever !!  God knows how older people , with no experience of working with tech are coping !!!  I agree with SE001 , We've been with talktalk for years and years but I can see you losing a lot of your customer base , all because of the problems with this box !!! 

Message 6 of 42

Good to see you offer that. These NetGem boxes are single tuner so will never be able to record properly like the Hawawei (they are a downgrade), but more more importantly it sounds like many have been manufactured faulty. I'm on my second Netgem (thx for the swap TT) the first one was overheating and electrically noisy, my speakers crackled like mad), the new box, cable all left in exactly the same position etc. straight swap, noise problems instantly gone! ... The NetGem box is not only low spec, its low quality. You should instantly offer a new box to all sufferers of this product, and when you have the same item (even with its ridiculous external memory at our cost - you have replaced a recorder with a streamer) with a twin tuner (as per Hawawei - so we can watch the TV without stopping a recording!!) you should immediately offer the twin tuner replacement to us single tuner owners. 

I wasted probably 3 hours of my time and yours (your customer service is actually excellent) trying to address hot memory and box and electric noise issue. Your management need to, for your sake and ours, go back to Hawawei or replace this shoddy NetGem product.


Message 7 of 42



The button on the Netgem box is not obvious, when looking at the box from the front, the button is on the left side mid way, if you run your finger along the left side of the box, you will feel the button will press in slightly mid way.


Would you like to swap out the box and see if another box works better ?



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Message 8 of 42

Hi Karl ....Firstly , I have searched for a button on the side of this Netgem 4k box , there isn't one !!  I have now done a factory re-set ( again )  I had to forfeit my recordings to do this (again) !!!  I can now record on the HD channels 101 etc.  The box now isn't even finding channels 1 and 2 ( they come up in the guide as HD channels also ) but still can't record from these .  This box has a mind of it's own !!  Don't know how long the ability to record on HD channels will last for this time !!  It only seems to work when it wants to !!! I e-mailed regarding all the problems with it but have had no response whatsoever !!! 


Message 9 of 42

Hi toproadie


If you have reset the box by pressing the button on the side 5 times, and the issue is ongoing, we could swap out the box and try another.




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Message 10 of 42

I can access 101 - 106 by inputting the numbers on the remote , the channels come on ok .....they just aren't in the guide to schedule recordings !!  Ch 1 and 2 are in the guide .....they just don't give me the option to record !!! Cheers


Community Star
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Message 11 of 42

Ok, thanks for confirming. I guess that means if you select 101 and press the guide button you don't get 101 but defaults to another channel?


I've run out of ideas now so will leave it to TalkTalk staff to investigate further. If i hear anything back from my contact, I will post back.


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Message 12 of 42

Hi Again !! All the channels are available by pressing 101 etc etc .  The problem is channel 101 - 106 inc are missing from the guide so unable to schedule future recordings !!  The option to record on ch1 and ch2 from the guide just isn't there  !!!  Realise catch up is always there but we are both hard of hearing so always use sub-titles !! Had to watch bbc iplayer last night to catch up but it kept buffering and driving us mad !!! Hate this box !!!





Message 13 of 42

Re channels 101 & 102, do you get any 100+ HD channels (ITV C4 C5) or is it just BBC that are missing?


Do you have an HD tuner on your TV? If so do you get these HD channels on your TV and can you provide the signal strength and Quality please?


If you can't get these on your TV you may have an aerial issue.


Can you check your postcode here to confirm you should be able to get HD channels and also there is no work or issues with your local transmitter.


I'm trying to eliminate potential issues, but it may be a waiting game for NetGem to update software to reinstate recording on channels 1 & 2.


Many thanks.


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Message 14 of 42

From the guide to schedule future recordings ....We're in NorthWest 


Message 15 of 42

@toproadie wrote:

Hi There .....Tried 101 and 102 ....No joy !!! Cheers

OK, is this from the guide or on instant record whilst watching?

Are BBC 1 & 2 HD versions on both single digit and 100 range?

What transmitter  / region are you on?

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Message 16 of 42

101 and 102 don't come up on guide !! Tried re-tuning till I'm blue in the face !!! 


Message 17 of 42

Hi There .....Tried 101 and 102 ....No joy !!! Cheers


Message 18 of 42

@toproadie wrote:

@fr8ysyou seem to know what you're doing .....Any ideas why my box is not giving me the option to record on bbc1 or bbc2 ?  Just these channels !!  Any suggestions appreciated ?  Thanks

Thanks for the vote of confidence. I'll see what I can do.

I have, I think, managed to replicate your issue. Bear with me while I detail my observations.

I've tried recording on my box and it works on instant record, i.e. recording the channel I am viewing.

Via the guide, attempting to record from channels 1 & 2, you are correct you can't record FUTURE programmes as the record option is missing. This also affects BBC 4 on channel 9. You can record the current programme from the guide.

However, switching to 101 /102 / 106 future programme recordings are available to record.

There should now be no difference between channel 1 and 101 as both are now BBC HD (and the same for BBC 2 & 4) and I do wonder if something has happened since Freeview Play migrated the HD channels to replace the old SD versions. 

I probably hadn't noticed as I am in the habit of using the 100 series numbers. Are you using the single-digit channels?


I will report the findings back to my contact and no doubt @Michelle-TalkTalk or @Karl-TalkTalk will do the same.


Hopefully the above is the same on your box but if you cannot record future programmes using the 100 series please let us know.


Please remember to mark Solved Posts with Best Answer. Doing so helps other customers and saves TalkTalk's Support Team time by only looking at unsolved topics. Thanks, Steve (a fellow customer).

Message 19 of 42

Channels 1 & 2 or 101 & 102? I see no reason why they shouldn't record, mine do. Just another point to add to the list of complaints.

Silver surfer but been using and messing about with computers since MS DOS 5

Message 20 of 42

@fr8ys ...You seem to know what you're doing box is now not giving me the option to record on bbc1 or bbc 2 !!! Any suggestions greatly appreciated !!!