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Get tailored support with your TalkTalk account and bills.

Final Bill

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 12 of 12

I have power of attorney for my mother's Faster Fibre account.


I cancelled her account, giving notice on 25th July 2024 and was given an end date of 24th August 2024.


The last bill I was able to view on My Account showed charges for 28th August to 27th September, clearly incorrect. That bill has now disappeared from My Account, though it still shows a balance of £81.51. 


You sent me an email (headed Reminder) on 13th September saying £38.64 was outstanding and saying Please pay. My mother has a Direct Debit set up for all payments. I cannot view this final bill (if it is) on My Account as it is "Not available". Are you not able to collect the money using the DD authority? Can you send me a PDF of the final bill? Otherwise how can you expect me to pay a bill I have not seen?


My mother had a power outage that wiped out her router (and TV, phone) in May 2024 and you kindly sent out a replacement router. I had already set up a spare router and have never opened your parcel. Do I still send this brand new router in the blue plastic bag using the label addressed to Ingram Returns, NDC, XX40 3YY?


I assume you can link this community account to me email address? If so, please email your reply.


Paul Simon

Message 1 of 12

@Rakti, all the subsequent directions in my first post were for you to access the profile area! 😊


Looks like all is now sorted!

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 2 of 12

No worries, hopefully we got there in the end!

Message 3 of 12

Apologies ferguson. When Gliwmaiden posted the below, I thought that meant I needed to put account details on here.


"Communication on the forum is always conducted here in the thread unless a member of staff specifically asks you to send a private message (PM)".


Also, when she said

"Make sure that your Personal Information details are up to date:"

I thought she meant in My Account. Now I realise she meant in this Community forum.

Paul Simon

Message 4 of 12

Hi Rakti


Thanks for your post. 


There is an outstanding balance £38 which is due to be processed via Direct debit on the 17th October, but this will be amended to reflect the correct amount owed as from the 17th Aug  to the final close date of 27th Aug. 


The is a ongoing issue with MY Account at the moment where some customers bills are not viewable, Sorry about that. 


You can use the bag you have for the router it will be sent back the warehouse for re-distribution. 


Sorry for any confusion caused.


Message 5 of 12

I have removed the account number from public view. Please put it in your community profile as previously advised, where only you and TalkTalk can see it. 


Private Message TalkTalk

Message 6 of 12

Didn't have time to post yesterday. Here are the details of the account;

Account Number: *removed*


Let me know if TalkTalk staff looking in need any further details from me.


To summarise;


1. Why did TalkTalk send me an email headed REMINDER on 13th Sept at 12:40 saying that there is an outstanding balance of £38.64 when my mother pays by Direct Debit.


2. How can I see what is presumably the Final Bill (it says Not Available in My Account).


3. Do you want me to send the brand new (unopened) router to the address shown above?


Paul Simon

Message 7 of 12

Having checked again, @Rakti, IMGRAM does process some of Talktalk's stuff.


The other address I gave you is Talktalk's usual one from which the returns are sorted, checked and not just recycled but indeed sent to other customers. 


I'd still keep a certificate of posting as proof in case it gets "lost".



Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 8 of 12



The correct address is not INGRAM but Talktalk, for Talktalk to decide what to do with it:



Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 9 of 12

Thanks Gliwmaiden2


Yes, she was definitely out of contract (2019).


As stated, I already have a bag to return the router. Just wondered if it was a different process if it's brand new in an unopened box (could go to a new customer rather than some recycling company).


I'll post the account details on Sunday night and hope TalkTalk staff follow up early next week.


Paul Simon

Message 10 of 12



Communication on the forum is always conducted here in the thread unless a member of staff specifically asks you to send a private message (PM).


For returning equipment, you would normally use a prepaid RETURNS BAG, for recording and processing its return:


All equipment listed in this article should be returned by that means, and keep certificates of posting for each item.


If you can't find any returns bags with the original packaging, staff can get these sent out to you.


Are you sure that she was out of contract? If she were not, early termination fees would apply.


Please see information about early termination fees and the final bill in this article:


Old account details should remain accessible for at least a year and if the Direct Debit details remain in your mother's account, the money should have been taken by TT on time.


Staff should be able to check whether there were any system problems that might affect the DD process working.


They don't send bills by .pdf attachment and paper bills incur a charge. There were problems with My Account earlier in the week, but it should be working now.


Try again. If it doesn't work, try another browser. Make sure that ad blockers are disabled and allow pop ups.


Staff may not now reach this thread before next week. Make sure that your Personal Information details are up to date:


Go via your avatar; settings; drop down menu....Personal Information. 


It's not clear from your post whether you are a Talktalk customer yourself, or simply trying to enforce PoA for your mother.


If you are a Talktalk customer, ensure that your own details are in Personal Information. 


At the END of that section, in Private Notes, add your mother's details. SAVE CHANGES. 



Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 11 of 12

I just wanted to add, I phoned the 0345 172 0029 number to talk about this subject, but your colleague said she was unable to view the account and would call me back. She did not call me back.

Paul Simon