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Moved to new ISP but TT service still active

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 11 of 11

Please can someone help me with this situation?


I moved to Vodafone VOIP Full Fibre (City Fibre) on 10th May 2024 from Talk Talk VOIP Full Fibre (City Fibre).  As I was keeping the same phone number, Vodafone were contacting TT to arrange the port so my new landline number could stay the same.


The FF broadband and router connection was successful with Vodafone on 10/5 and also the landline is working with the same number.  I understand this was therefore termed an unsolicited cease as Vodafone contacted TT and not myself as I needed to keep my existing number.
Can’t understand why my account with TT is still active and therefore I am still paying for TT broadband as a final bill can’t be made until the account is cancelled.

Seem to be stuck in the middle of two ISPs and I don’t know what to do!

(My contract ended last year).


Message 2 of 11

Thank you for your reply and help.


I received a new bill this morning which was a credit balance so I have requested a refund to my bank account (DD still in place).


Glad account and service disconnection is now sorted.  I don’t know if it happened due to my telephone call on 13/5 or if Vodafone finally got their act together as I understand that there was a hold up porting my existing landline number for some reason.  I assumed when 30 days notice was required by TT that I would also need to pay 30 days.


Message 3 of 11

You have paid your final bill on the 5th so there will probably be a refund owed as your account cancelled on the 13th you will be able to request a refund when the next bill is produced. 

Message 4 of 11

Thank you.  I called TT yesterday and placed my own notice to end the service.  Therefore I will be paying TT and Vodafone for full fibre for the next 30 days!


Message 5 of 11

Hi DJP77


Your account is now showing as disconnected as of the 13th May. 



Message 6 of 11

Thank you to you and everyone for your help.


I received a letter from Vodafone following my order to say that they would contact my old ISP to say that I was moving (unless I was with Virgin).  Letter said that I didn’t need to contact them.  I contacted TT over Chat to enquire if they had received notification from Vodafone but at they hadn’t.  Chat advised re Unsolicited and Solicited ceases.  As I needed to keep my existing Landline number I couldn’t instigate a Solicited cease.


Never experienced this problem in the past after changing ISPs many times previously.


Don’t know why this is so difficult and can’t believe I’m the first to experience this!

Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 7 of 11

@DJP77, this is the link about the OFCOM easy switch process:


So it's way behind schedule....


The relevant bit is here:





You're not switching between OPENREACH services so Talktalk would not have been informed by the new provider, despite you keeping that phone number.  

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 8 of 11

@DJP77, the account itself remains active for at least a year after you leave, in case you need to refer back to previous bills.


That's totally normal. 


It is only the service cancellation aspect that needs to be checked. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 9 of 11

@DJP77 wrote:


Can’t understand why my account with TT is still active and therefore I am still paying for TT broadband as a final bill can’t be made until the account is cancelled.

Is this a supposition on your part, or have you been in touch with TalkTalk to discuss it? It has only been two days after all.


If you would like the support team here to look into this for you make sure that your personal details including TalkTalk phone number and/or account number are complete on your community profile (click here) so that they can link your forum identity with your account and then wait for them to respond.


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 10 of 11

The simple switch only works with Openreach  - old FTTC switches.


Everything else, you need to assume that the old ISP doesn't know unless you tell them yourself. 


The ISPs are not up to speed on doing this automatically yet.


03451 720088 from 9am tomorrow. 



Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.