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Whatsapp calls not connecting (ringing)

Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 47 of 47

For a year or more I have found that if my mobile has been unused for, say an hour, it will either not ring at all or it will take a very long time to start ringing for incoming WhatsApp calls.  However, if it does not ring and the caller gives up I get an immediate missed call notification.


This also happening on my wife's mobile as well which until recently have both been Motorola G8 plus phones.


I had thought that the problem might have been to do with the phones going into a deep sleep but I have recently acquired a Samsung S21 Ultra which is behaving the same way so this seems unlikely.  In any case I previously did a factory reset on my Moto and only installed WhatsApp to no avail.


Another curiosity is that I have WhatsApp running on my desktop PC as well and it's quite common that the PC will ring for an incoming WhatsApp call but my phone next to it will be silent.  But my wife has a separate WhatsApp account which is not on my PC 


I had hoped that a change of phone would have resolved the problem so I am now leaning towards believing the problem may in some way be associated with the router.  I've looked for settings that might have some bearing but can't see anything obvious so I wonder if one of the Team Players could please look onto this for me






Message 1 of 47



Thanks for confirming and sharing your experience, I'm sure these points will help others.




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Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 47

Just a note to say thank you for the loan of the Fast 5364 & let you know I have returned my old DH8041W today.


I have done extensive testing with the following results:


1. With the Fast 5364 I no longer seem to have broadband outages which is the main reason I am keeping it and sending back the DG8041W 👍🏻


2. The Fast 5364 gives slightly better 5G coverage in my house meaning I can now use 5G exclusively rather than having to use 2.4G


3. Whatsapp calls come through more reliably on my Moto 8 Plus with the Fast 5341 but I'm not sure if this is due to using 5G, in any case the issue is not eradicated.  However, my Samsung S21 Ultra does pick up all Whatsapp calls now which it didn't with the DG8041W.  So although the DG8041W does not seem to have been the only reason for Whatsapp calls not being picked up it was contributing to the problem.


Just a post note; whilst I had the DG8041W spare I set it up as an AP/Extender in the one room where 5G was still giving a low signal strength and found that setting this up with the same SSID & Password as the main router my phones would switch seamlessly between the two.  Having proved that this worked I have purchased a wifi Powerlink again using the routers SSID & Password and this is working very well giving me good 5G signal throughout the house and all devices switching seamlessly between router & Powerlink. 


If anyone else thinks of doing the above one thing I did need to do on both these devices was switch off Auto Band selection and  set them to 5G bands within the lower group, I think I used 36 & 44, otherwise the router would switch to band 100 and my phones would no longer switch automatically between them.   


So Happy Days 😁




Message 3 of 47



Ok, please let us know if you need any further assistance.







Message 4 of 47

Thanks Keith but @Debbie-TalkTalk please don't spend much effort on this as these are just my observations, it doesn't seem to effect the function of the router and is only an inconvenience not being sure whether a devices is actually connected to a particular band, I can live with it 😂  


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 47



Please could you pass this over to the Devices team to see if they can replicate this, as I do not have the same sort of devices? My device listing seems fine other than a bug I did report on this, where when a device disconnects from the 266, it can take 24 hours for it to be removed from the listing.



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Message 6 of 47

Just to add to this, last night all 7 of my devices were showing but this morning I can see 4 in one place and 6 in another and the one thats totally missing is my phone that I've been using to read the news!  


Message 7 of 47

I think I may have worked this out at last.  If I'm right the Wifi Mesh>Devices Name is normally derived from the name obtained from the device itself but the My Devices names are taken from the Friendly Name (or the Hostname if there is no Friendly Name) on the device page itself.  Changing the Friendly Name on the device page does not change the Mesh>Devices page Name but conversely changing the Name on the Mesh>Devices page does change the Friendly Name 🤣


Now that I've sorted that out I can focus on the original problem 😂


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 8 of 47

Hi @macgd016 


I have just been looking up my buglist and there is another one that may account for what you are seeing. If a device disconnects from the mesh as a whole, it can take up to 24 hours for it to disappear from the Extender tab device listing.

I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
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Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 9 of 47

Hi @macgd016 


In the Wi-Fi Mesh > Devices rename those MAC addresses to first make sure that you do not have any duplicates for some reason.

I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
TalkTalk support and Community Stars - Who are they? 


Message 10 of 47

This is not really a major issue but see attached doc that shows that although the high level UI shows 6 devices connected the Mesh Devices page shows 7. 


Also see that the Mesh Devices only shows 3 device names where as the higher level page shows 6.

Picking up on what Keith has said I added names for the devices that hadn't automatically been given names by double clicking on each individual device ( rather than the devices within the Wifi-Mesh settings ( but have no idea whether this should make any difference 😂


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 11 of 47

Hi @Debbie-TalkTalk 


In the early versions of firmware then yes, there were devices missing in the main UI, but that got fixed. Where the 266 is connected, there is a slight difference in that the friendly device names in the main UI are taken from that configured in the WiFi Mesh section in the Devices sub-tab, using the Rename Device functionality. However, the devices shown in the Advanced section of the main UI may still need to have an appropriate icon set for them.


Currently, I have only noticed one device missing, which is a more complex issue & I am sure it is down to a Virtual Machine I have running Linux Mint, rather than a router firmware bug. When my main PC that hosts the Linux VM, was connected via Ethernet, the VM's virtual network adapter would always show up in the router's main UI. However, since moving my PC to WiFi, the VM no longer appears.

I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
TalkTalk support and Community Stars - Who are they? 

Message 12 of 47

Thanks @macgd016 


@KeithFrench have you detected this issue with the Sagemcom hub? (devices not showing connected in the router UI)


Message 13 of 47

Hi, Yes exactly that, but I need to have another look later today because although they don't show in the wifi overview I think I may have seen the IP addresses in the Devices section of the Mesh settings.  I need to have another look to be sure

Message 14 of 47

HI macgd016


Is this just not showing in the router UI but the device is actually connected? (when you check it)


Message 15 of 47

Morning Debbie


Its difficult to say at the moment, the 2.4Ghz stayed on the channel that was assigned (1) but the camera was no longer connected.  I've reassigned it to channel 6 (which is the channel it stayed connected to previously) and we'll see what happens.


What I do find confusing is that from time to time the router reports that its not connected to devices I know it is connected to, ie. a phone that I'm actually using at the time!  Any ideas on this?


Message 16 of 47

Hi macgd016


How was the connection last night?


Message 18 of 47

All good again 👍

Message 19 of 47

Hi macgd016


Yes please can you try a quick reboot (just off for a minute and back on again)


Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 20 of 47

Hi Debbie 


Unfortunately I can no longer access my router and I've lost the Internet since about 11:32 but I can still access my local devices.  Should I switch the router off/on?

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