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FIbre Support

Get expert support with your Fibre connection.

60 minutes minimum every time

Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 13 of 13

Not long ago I made two separate calls of over an hour, freezing my butt off, due to the room with the router having no heating! Going around the houses we decided to go with the engineer call out route. Obviously I had to agree to the £75 call out fee if I missed the appointment or, if the fault was mine!
The appointment was then cancelled their end!! Did I get £75, did I hell, did I take time off work, yep! Guy came and confirmed my diagnoses of a faulty router! I question was there any need for the endless scripting, testing my hearing and stress levels and wasting my time? Things were fixed and I had a lightning fast 65mbps

Today, the internet dropped to 9 mbps and then nothing. After an anxiety fulled 1hr 40min, we came to the conclusion that, as the line from the exchange to the home and the router were both OK, the problem had to be, that it was probably me chewing the internal cables...I joke! 

Can I get any help from this forum, if I remember correctly, I've previously had solutions here, over going through a very noisy call center rife with attitudes and incompetence! The last call escalated to the second tier of support still giving no solution, not even the option of an engineer...well other than cancel considering I'm out of contract.


Message 1 of 13



I'm sorry for the delay. Would it be possible to run a few wired speed tests please so we can see if this is solely related to the wireless connection. We can then offer more assistance once we know if the wired speeds are ok.







Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 13

@UITA23! ,

I may be missing something, but staff appear to be saying that your router sync speed is good and you should be able to check that yourself by logging into the router admin page. Is that the case?, is it just the throughput speed that's the issue? Also, again I may be getting the wrong end of the stick but you talk about the speed when sitting next to the router and you mention using an extender, so are you saying it's just a WiFi issue? is the speed ok/consistent  on ethernet connected devices?



Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 13

Is that it then? Just because I get a decent speed once in a while, I'm fixed!
Here's the speed at 15:37, sat in the same spot every time...not good is it, worth the money? Would be great if Talk Talk actually got in touch with me as their text states they would.

Screenshot 2024-01-13 at 17.31.35.png


Message 4 of 13

Chris I don't want my speed turned up, I'm quite happy with getting the max my area can get. I was coming from the point of view that it's very coincidental that the speed usually goes up after I start a complaint procedure and goes down not long after the honeymoon period of re-connection. At present the speed is good, however I question, will it be stable and when will I be making another frustrating call or posting here!
As much as I have good speed on some devices, my main ones are still suffering (12 Mbps on the Firestick). In order to solve this connection issue during a previous problem, an extender was sent out, this worked fine with the FS and extender getting on famously, but, it has now decided not to work.
Both router and extender have been turned off, reset and paired successfully whilst in the same room, take the extender to another room, but still within line of sight via windows and it no longer works!


TALK TALK, I've been a loyal customer since 2009, you're slowly losing me!


Message 5 of 13

You won't get a throughput speed (speed test result) that's the same as the sync speed, the sync speed is always higher


Sorry, no we don't have the power to turn the speed up.


Could you switch your router off and leave it off for at least 30 minutes, then switch back on and check to see if the speed has improved




Message 6 of 13

Chris, I appreciate your testing but the information you give does not reflect my experience and stress. In the real world of usage in my home, my firestick tells me that getting 4Mbps, no gaming or 4K for me! If I sit an inch away from the router I may well get something nearer to your best fit...but have never got 74...never!
I was sent out an extender and everything was great, this started to fail before the connection speed (an indicator that all was not well). I will try this again later after my day of work but too be blunt, you aren't giving me any hope, only repeating what is said via a phone call. My internet is connected to the socket after an engineer replaced both socket and router around 4-6 weeks ago!
It would be great for someone to recognise that there is a fault here with what I'm paying for and the home internals of the connection relationship are at their best due to the call out.
My limited experience tells me the one unknown here is the router, it may look good your end but as a sound engineer, I'm of the mind that what goes in, doesn't necessarily come out the same!

I'm also questioning if any bottlenecking is taking place or is it a coincidence that I have now improved speeds around the same time someone is looking at my connection at the start of the day? Do you have the power to turn up the speed, or is that a crazy notion!? 

8.43 a.m. Whilst sat next to the router.

Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 08.40.56.png


Message 7 of 13

Hi UITA23!,


Line test is passing and sync speed is 74.3Mbps. There were a number of reconnections yesterday though, connection appears to have been stable before this and one disconnection so far today


Is your router currently connected to your test socket - Your guide to main phone sockets - TalkTalk Help & Support




Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 8 of 13

7.30 a.m.
Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 07.32.00.png

7.54 a.m.

Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 07.54.06.png

 50 Mbps poor! It averages as the best I've ever got! Still pay the same as others who get more though!


Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 9 of 13

Just did a speed test seeing as I was momentarily connected, went to upload the screen grab but had to resort to tethering to my phone instead to finish off the message.

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 19.35.38.png
Surely an intermittent problem with the router, considering the light is white, then flashing orange, then white etc. Why do I have to be made to feel like it's an internal fault my end....the power cable! Really?


Message 10 of 13

Sure, no problem. Make sure your community profile is complete so that TalkTalk can access your details. 

Message 11 of 13

"Unless you have posted previously under a different username?"

Yep, memory like a goldfish, new account, is that OK?


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 12 of 13

"I've previously had solutions here" you say, even though this appears to be your first post? Unless you have posted previously under a different username?


Anyway, you most certainly can get help here, this has been flagged to the support team and they will respond as soon as they can.