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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 22 of 22

Fairly new TalkTalk customer. Service went live on 25th April 2024. Fibre 150 package. Router is Sagemcom-FAST5464. Previously with BT in this house for the last 2 years. Had absolutely none of the issues we're facing now.


Issue 1: (Probably the most minor issue) - we're not hitting 150 mbps download and 30mbps upload speeds. Rather we're only getting around 120mbps download speeds and 23mbps upload speeds. Still quite good I know. Like I said, probably the most minor issue and probably not really an issue if not for the below;


Issue 2: Regular dropping. I cannot count how many times per day I am losing my connection to wi-fi on televisions and phones (although, ironically, this doesn't really seem to be happening on my MacBook). This happens across all floors of the house, including the floor where the router is actually situated. It's a significant problem;


Issue 3: Coverage. We live in a house with 3 floors. Previously our wi-fi had covered the whole house and garden without issue. We'd never needed an extender. That's not happening now unfortunately. No coverage in the garden whatsoever. Very spotty connection on the top floor. I have tried putting in wi-fi extenders but they've not really resolved the problem. I'm not the most tech savvy so the extender I have used may not necessarily have been appropriate in any event;


Any help would be greatly appreciated.





Support Team
Private Message
Message 21 of 22

Hi Adam,


Welcome to the Community 


Can you please update your community profile to include your:

  • Name
  • Telephone number
  • Alternative contact number

We'll then look into this further. Please do not post this information on this thread. Once you've updated your profile please post in your topic to confirm it's updated.


