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8 hours ago
Hello, I have just received an email alerting me that my Wifi equipment is no longer supported by the manufacturer with software and security updates.
Although the email advises that TalkTalk will continually monitor security and performance and we can keep using it, I am now concerned that this potentially leaves my equipment open to security threats. We have already been seeing issues cropping up with connection drop outs and slow speeds etc, the equipment is quite old (I think we have had it at least 3 contract renewals/ 6 years) and some of the drop outs we have seen (usually late at night) are not always resolved by resetting the router, some nights it drops out around 10pm and doesn't come back on until the following morning. They also advise they will be in touch with how to get devices still supported by the manufacturer.
Please could talk talk advise when this is likely to happen and how I go about getting new equipment? I have a daughter working from home some days of the week due to disability and they need reliable and safe internet connections.
6 hours ago
We are simply advising customers that some equipment be be out of warranty. This does not mean that the equipment is not secure.
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6 hours ago
So in essence, Talk Talk are emailing customers with potentially concerning emails to say that their routers will no longer receive either security or software updates, yet your claiming they are still receiving updates?
It doesn't make sense. Neither does the requirement for customers to wait with potentially unsecure networks for Talk Talk to decide when to email with further information. Why not provide it upfront?
7 hours ago
The equipment is secure as our teams here develop firmware and regularly review the safety and security of the devices in use. We do push firmware updates with security enhancements regularly.
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7 hours ago
Hi Karl,
So can you please confirm what risks there are to my network if security settings are not being updated? As advised I have a disabled daughter who has to work from home and requires safe and reliable network connections?
We had already seen some speed issues and drop outs (some lasting several hours) on our Wi-Fi which are not remedied by restarting the router or replacing filters which to me would point to equipment issues.
Also can you confirm if there is likely to be any costs for replacement of such equipment or if I just need to go buy a router myself to ensure my connections are safe and secure.
The least TalkTalk could have done is to provide the information upfront and not expect customers to wait for it, it is obviously going to raise concerns when you advise people security settings are not being updated. I also note others on here receiving similar emails have been given replacement routers already yet I'm being expected to wait until TalkTalk can be bothered to contact me. or is the expected wait because my contract is due for renewal in July?
7 hours ago
These mails are sent to customers who's equipment is out of warranty. Our teams will contact customers in the near future to discuss options and possible equipment replacements.
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7 hours ago
Hi Karl,
Its one that was provided by Talk Talk when I first took out my fibre broadband contract in 2019. Looking online its the Sagemcom TalkTalk Wi-Fi Hub. I have attached a photo of the one we have in the attached files box.
7 hours ago
What equipment / router do you have currently ?
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