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slow fibre speeds and regular disconnects

Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 58 of 58

hi guys. this past week or so my fibre is constantly disconnecting. when it does i reboot router and all seems ok  for a few hours then it starts to drop again. fibre speeds are pretty low. streaming films and shows is useless as i dont have enough dl speed to watch them. browsing internet is so slow any ideas?


Message 1 of 58

Hi guitarman3


I'm really sorry to hear this.


Please let us know how you get on after speaking to our Loyalty Team.




Message 2 of 58


hi michelle

Had 5 engineers in the last few weeks trying to sort this. Still getting slow speeds. They keep finding faults in the external cable network. Nothing seems to help. One of the engineers said they have a lot of these issues in the area so I’m not alone. Old infrastructure which is outdated is certainly an issue. Fibre to the property is the way forward I guess. Strange how these problems only started happening just as full fibre was becoming available at my property, bit suspect that. Anyway I’ve just about had enough. I’ll give retentions a ring and tell them the situation but I won’t be satisfied till I get the greatest deal on full fibre known to man. If I’m not suitably compensated for all this I’ll get my fibre elsewhere when my contract expires in a few weeks. Before I go ahead with the call and because my property is rented, will I first need to give openreach my landlord’s address so they can get permission to work on the property? I’ve already had permission from the landlord to have full fibre installed but should I notify openreach so they can confirm this with him?  Also, how long from ordering full fibre to the day of installation? Are we talking weeks or months?

Sorry for the rant but all this is getting tiresome.

Thanks guys.


Message 3 of 58



I've checked and we've received an update to advise that the fault has been resolved. Is your connection now ok?





Message 4 of 58

Hi guitarman3


I've checked and Openreach have sent a message to request that we now arrange an engineer visit to the property.


I'm just sending you a Private Message to confirm some details so we can arrange this visit.





Message 5 of 58

hi chris. just got an email saying openreach have found a fault and i need to book an engineer to visit my property to fix it.  i'm guessing the fault is external so why would they need access to my property? i also got a text from an openreach engineer today telling me he was working on my broadband and i would experiance disconnections during this time. this was the case.  the message also said he would let me know the outcome. my speeds now seem ok so do i still need to book an engineer? the fault timeline also request i need to book an engineer. bit confusing. 



Message 6 of 58

There's information here about cancelling, hope it helps - Cancel your TalkTalk service - TalkTalk Help & Support




Message 7 of 58

thanks chris. just a quick question. i beleive if i cancel my contract less than a month before it's due to expire there is no termination fee,

is that correct?


Message 8 of 58

Hi guitarman3,


OK, no problem, just let us know if you'd like to go ahead with the engineer visit



Message 9 of 58

hi michelle thanks for the quick reply. i need to think about this one. because i can now receive full fibre i may consider that option when my contract expires in september so going through all the hastle again of booking an engineer and doing line tests may not be worth it.

not sure if i'll be staying with talktalk after my contract expires due to these issues and i know sky and vodafone are active at my exchange so they maybe an option when it comes to having full fibre installed, i've been with talktalk for many years and on the whole i've had no problems but speeds and disconnections have never been this bad. let me think about it.



Message 10 of 58



I'm really sorry to hear this. I've re-run the line test now which is clear, however the connection does look unstable over the last 24-48hrs. If nothing has changed with the set up then we'll need to arrange an engineer visit. Would you like us to arrange this for you?





Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 11 of 58

hi again guys. well speeds were ok for a few weeks but they're starting to drop again. disconnections also. engineer visit seemed to sort it out but the same old problem is back can't understand it. waste of time going through the same procedure as last time. isn't it strange though that during these problems i've been having i've learned that full fibre to the property was being worked on at my exchange and i can now receive full fibre at my address. makes you wonder if there hasn't been some agenda to get me to take out a full fibre contract now.




Message 12 of 58

hi michelle.

 Just an update on the engineer visit today. He checked the master socket and found a voice fault that was interfearing with the line connection. The fault seemed to be coming from the main cabinet down the road.  He checked the wiring and cable in the cabinet for faults and found that there was a crimp in one of the cables. This was giving slow and intermittent speeds to my property. He said it could have been damaged when other engineers worked on the cabinet in the recent past. He installed a new master socket and did line tests. No more line interfearence after fixing the fault at the cab and broadband seems to have returned to normal speeds. Getting around about 44 to 48Mbps and no disconnections so far so good. everything seems to be stable and working as it should so quite pleased. I will still monitor the connection but I can’t see me having any more problems. I did ask him about possible charges and he said there would be non as it was openreach equipment that was at fault. If you could just confirm this that would be great. I’d just like to thank everyone who has helped with advice and info regarding this issue. You have all been very understanding and it’s much appreciated.

thanks again


Message 13 of 58



We've booked the engineer and I've sent you a PM.





Message 14 of 58

hi debbie, just completed the form


Message 15 of 58

Hi guitarman3


I'm just sending you a Private Message to confirm some details so we can arrange this engineer visit.


Message 16 of 58

hi chris, yes that would be the next step i think.  i can only do tuesdays or wednesdays afternoons to book the engineer i'm busy the rest of the time. do i just suggest a date and time and then confirm or do i have other options? i'm looking at maybe the afternoon of 25th april if that's available?


Message 17 of 58

Hi guitarman3,


Line test is still picking up a potential issue, would you like us to arrange the engineer visit?



Message 18 of 58

still active fault message. working on it, still in progress. to be honest i don't beleive a word. had this last week and gave me a message that the fault was fixed and closed the case. no such thing. opened the case again and still no luck. totaly inept. i'm down to 4mbps at the time of writing on a fibre 65 package. nothing wrong with internal wiring, tested with the test socket. thought it may be my pc ethernet port at fault so used a laptop ethernet port to test direst to router still shocking speeds. new router new cable still no luck. it's definately an outside fault but no ones bothered to fix it. thinking about cancelling my contract. just about had enough


Message 19 of 58

on the active faults webpage today. still a line issue. spoke with online chat and they were also doing a line check. seems like we've been here before. 


Message 20 of 58

Hi guitarman3,


Could you tell me exactly what it says when you try to setup the telephone enquiry password



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