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Broadband help

For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.

Can't get any help!

Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 30 of 30



As a last resort I am posting on here because I've tried online chat / phone calls and it's horrendous - I'm left pulling my hair out.


December - I made a complaint - today I receive an e-mail telling me my complaint is closed because of no contact - Talk Talk have not contacted me.  I have tried the online chat as instructed in the e-mail several times this morning and I get no response other than the Bot and then it ends my chat.


I spent 2 hours online chat yesterday so you have had communication from me!!  


I spent 2 hours on the phone last night - more communication from me!!


Can I just say I have no internet at all.  When we finally reached the verdict I need an engineer to come to my house an appointment was agreed (with the wait time of 1 week!!) which is shocking.


I then received a confirmation txt for my appointment for a different date!!!


I called back to resolve the problem and the agent couldn't understand my problem - I think we can all agree that's a clear problem.  


We end up with me pulling my hair out, asking to speak to someone else which was a point blank refusal.  I was told "it's nothing to worry about" repeatedly which is very patronizing when I'm extremely worried you're going to charge me £75 for an engineer visit I'm not home for.  I thought the simplest thing to do would be to call back and straighten out the confusion - the agent just kept telling me yes your appointment is 3/2.  Not helpful at all.


Then to wake up this morning to an e-mail telling me my complaint from December is closed - no I'm not happy.  I can't get through to anyone so I thought a community post would be all I can do.


Now I expect you to delete it because you don't want your customers to know about your extremely poor service but I think people have a right to know.


And if you work from home please please please chose a provider who will fix issues like no internet quicker than 1 week!!


I sincerely hope you try to help me and don't just delete this post


Message 1 of 30

Hi Kezzy,


Can you just confirm that you still want to cancel the engineer visit and I'll do this for you



Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 30

So, my new router arrived - thank you for arranging this for me.


I plugged it in and I'm back online instantly - crazy that the "expert" I spoke to refused to send me one.


My issue now is that I have an engineer booked for Saturday and I want to cancel it - I do not want to go near the online chat or phone to cancel as this has already taken up hours of my life.  How can I cancel the appointment?


Would you agree the appointment is no longer needed seeing as I have a new router and I'm back online.


I'd like to move on with my life asap and have the complaints people finalise the complaint - not that I expect any resolution to be found on their part as they think the service provided is acceptable but hey ho lets not go down that rabbit hole again.


Message 3 of 30

Don’t forget to detail your experience on Trustpilot - it won’t fix your problem but it’s good to warn others not to touch Talk Talk with a barge pole.


while on there I had a good read of the reviews and we are definitely not alone with these problems. 

it seems the biggest concern you’re receiving is for your posts and not your actual problem. It’s a shame you’d think they’d appreciate the desperation in your situation.


hopefully my new router arrives tomorrow and it fixes problem because I don’t think I can face dealing with anyone at talk talk again. I can’t wait until my contract is up, I’m still disgusted they can treat you so badly and hold you in a contract!!


such a shame I’ve been with them for years, it’s certainly gone down hill. Outsourcing call centres to agents whose 1st language is not English is often a bad idea.


Good luck!!


Message 4 of 30

Fight. It’s certainly been that so far. Never experienced service like this before. I better watch what I’m saying or I will get another message from Chris. Hope you are getting a solution to your problem Kezzy. 

B Linton B Linton B Linton

Message 5 of 30

Hi Chris, 


it’s my thread and I’m happy to hear from Barry - shame he’s struggling too but he needs to fight to get help like I did!!



Message 6 of 30

Hi Barry,


Thanks for your message I appreciate it. I see no issue with you sympathising with me and letting me know I’m not the only one struggling!!

I think talk talk just don’t want to be overrun with people complaining!!


Message 7 of 30

Hi Barry


As I said I've sent you a PM, apologies but could you please not discuss this further on someone else's thread



Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 8 of 30

I was only empathising with a fellow customer who appears to be experiencing a similar situation to my own. I wasn’t aware this was regarded counterproductive Chris. Ps any updates on my ongoing daily struggle with trying to resolve my issue? 

B Linton B Linton B Linton

Message 9 of 30

Hi Barry3574,


I've sent you a PM. Could you please just stick to your own thread as posting on other customers threads and starting more than one thread for the same issue, can delay a response and cause confusion



Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 10 of 30

I have today posted a similar issue  to yourself. The customer service is to say the least frustrating. I also have spent/wasted hours going around in circles. Why is it impossible to talk to anyone especially when the company is called Talk Talk? 

B Linton B Linton B Linton

Message 11 of 30

You're Welcome 🙂





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Working From Home Tips

Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.


Message 12 of 30

Thank you so much Karl and Michelle this is such a relief!!


Message 13 of 30



A router has been ordered and is on the way.




Check & Report l Our latest Blog l Set Your Preferences l Service Status l Help with your Service l Community Stars

Working From Home Tips

Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.


Message 14 of 30

Omg yes please 🙏🏼 


I really think my router has been playing up for some time and the power dip/surge what ever it was we had the other day was the final straw for it.


It just seems like the most sensible thing to try.


thank you so much!


Anonymous User
Not applicable
Private Message
Message 15 of 30

Morning @Kezzy! 


I'm really sorry about this, I can send you a router now (no charge for this) and it will arrive within the next 24-48hrs.


Would you like me to arrange this?





Message 16 of 30

Hi Michelle I’ve been through all that.


i did ask for a new router to be sent but I was told that would incur a charge - even though it would be quicker than sending an engineer with a router. sadly im not the sort of person to have a spare router hanging around.

ive been trying to get to the bottom of the date my engineer is due. As I said they booked a different date to the one I was told on the phone.


After 3 hours on the online chat I think I have an engineer booked for 8th feb (a week later than the appointment I was told was booked) but I’m not 100% sure because I haven’t had a confirmation text. I’m petrified it hasn’t been changed and they will turn up on Monday next week and I’ll be charged £75.


the whole thing is a nightmare and appalling customer service. I asked to let out of my contract without penalty due to what’s happened - obviously I’ve had issues since December! But I was told no.


I’m literally held to ransom - no service but I have no choice but to pay until July - disgusting!! 



Anonymous User
Not applicable
Private Message
Message 17 of 30



Thank you. I've run a few different tests on the line now which are all clear. Is the voice service affected? Do you have a dial tone? Does your main socket have a test socket? Do you also have an alternative router that you can test with please just so we can rule this out?





Message 18 of 30

It now looks OK. For some reason it didn't previously save.


Staff will be back on here shortly. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Anonymous User
Not applicable
Private Message
Message 19 of 30

Hi Kezzy,


I can't see your home telephone number or account number in your profile. Can you try adding this again please and then click save changes at the bottom. Please do not post any personal information on the Community.






Message 20 of 30

I’ve done that, but thank you.


Ive resigned myself to the fact I’m being ignored agin 😞

Anonymous User