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Eero and grandstream VOIP

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 53 of 53

Has anyone been successful with VOIP through eero and Grandstream adaptor. Had futurefibre 150 installed 10 days ago, there was a fault outside the house which has 'apparently' been repaired but internet still drops out and VOIP phone is a disaster.  Phone sometimes has dial tone but does not ring out, sometimes has engaged tone, sometimes the phone is dead and sometimes if you do manage to make a call it suddenly goes dead.  I have been told that the eero and grandstream have been trialed successfully but no-one seems to know much about them including the technical team.  They are sending be a different talktalk wifi hub.

I'm concerned that it might still be a fault on the new fibre installation and not the equipment.

I previously had fibre35 through the old copper telephone wire and had no problems with broadband just a crossline on the telephone which I hoped this new fibre would solve.




Message 41 of 53

Hi Gleha,


You should really have received the router by now. I'll look into it and get back to you


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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 42 of 53

Monday 21  we were told Thurs 17th a wifihub2 would be on its way to us and because it was before 4pm (it was 3pm), it might arrive Friday.  It hasn't arrived yet, (4pm) Monday. I realise it could be 3 to 5 working days but just want it posted here to draw attention to not yet having it.  As this is the 3rd promise I am wondering if there is no stock of them. Meanwhile because phone line only works occasionally I am now getting notification that I am close to using all the minutes in my mobile plan. 

Message 43 of 53

Hi Gleha,


I'm sorry about this, please let us know how you get on





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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 44 of 53

We were expecting a wifihub2  for the second time having received a wifihub (not with ata phone socket).  We received another Eero instead.  

Not amused.  Have spoken to fibre team and they have promised a Hub2. 

We have broadband issues and phone issues.  

If this does not work I want to go back to the Fibre 35 through my old copper line and complain bitterly about the crossline on the telephone and try to get that resolved.

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Message 45 of 53



Ok, I'm sorry to hear that. I'd recommend Live Chatting the Future Fibre Team directly from 9am so they can run some tests as this sounds like it could be a fault. 


Your Future Fibre Support Hub





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Message 46 of 53

Just after I posted Day 12 issues, PON light on openreach socket went into serious flashing mode and internet dropped out saying it detected a network change.  It came back after approx 45 seconds.  This is a regular occurrence now and once again I say it did not happen on the copper connection.  I asked the BT engineer if the PON light should go out or flash and he said no.


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Message 47 of 53

Day 12 of futurefibre 150 and thoroughly fed up.  We received wrong wifihub today after talktalk suggested changing from eero to wifihub2 indicating that equipment might be faulty because of internet dropout and phone service through voip only working occasionally.  Can't check my line through my account as it does not recognise eero despite eero being supplied by talktalk.  Lights on  the openreach socket - PON light which should always be green is often flashing off and the LOS light (loss of service ) also drops out at least once a day.  Despite this being a brand new cable from the telegraph post to the house it is far more unreliable than the old copper wire we had which had been on the house for many years.  A new wifihub2 is on its way to us but is it going to make any difference.  


Message 48 of 53

Hi Gleha,


Please let us know how you get on with the new equipment, apologies for any inconvenience




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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 49 of 53

Just received wifihub and connected up and unable to connect phone line.  Contacted fibre team and wrong hub has been sent out.  The hub we received does not have correct ports.  New hub is apparently on its way.  Internet has dropped out today.  Still wondering how many customers have problems with VOIP - still wondering if it is faulty connections outside but have to wait and see if new equipment (if it ever get


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Message 50 of 53



Is the connection still unstable too?





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Message 51 of 53

Hi MIchelle, set up is correct.  Openreach engineers checked our setup cables and connections when they came to repair fault outside of the house. They could get no joy.  I was interested to see if others with this setup had had problems and if there was a solution I could try.  I am awaiting a new router from talktalk to see if it is the equipment that is faulty. 


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Message 52 of 53



Can I just confirm, is the set up like the below help guide?


Digital Voice Adapter

