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Eero and grandstream VOIP

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 53 of 53

Has anyone been successful with VOIP through eero and Grandstream adaptor. Had futurefibre 150 installed 10 days ago, there was a fault outside the house which has 'apparently' been repaired but internet still drops out and VOIP phone is a disaster.  Phone sometimes has dial tone but does not ring out, sometimes has engaged tone, sometimes the phone is dead and sometimes if you do manage to make a call it suddenly goes dead.  I have been told that the eero and grandstream have been trialed successfully but no-one seems to know much about them including the technical team.  They are sending be a different talktalk wifi hub.

I'm concerned that it might still be a fault on the new fibre installation and not the equipment.

I previously had fibre35 through the old copper telephone wire and had no problems with broadband just a crossline on the telephone which I hoped this new fibre would solve.




Message 1 of 53

@123TalkHelp. @Rhiaff will be following up on their own thread.


@Rhiaff, if you still need help with this, please return to the message board and click on start a topic.


Staff only reply to the original poster.



Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 53

Hi. I had an email from Talktalk help with your problem. I’ve been running Talktalk fibre 150 and voip now for about 2 years and had a few problems at first. Just to be clear, have you just had fibre installed now? If so are you 100% certain that the fibre installation is working ok? By working ok, I mean can you get a reliable internet connection using whatever router you have.


Not applicable
Private Message
Message 3 of 53

Hi Rhiaff,


I'm sorry to hear this. Please can you create your own topic and we'd be happy to look into this for you.







First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 53

Hello Gleha, I have also just had 150 fibre installed with no problems, however I have just received my Grandstream unit and connected all up and cannot get any indication of telephone line recognition even though I have full blue lights for power and internet. I am advised that it may take 1hour before the device is recognised so I am waiting. Regards Rhiaff


Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 53

I am only using Eero as my main router.

It is different from using a router and you need to have a mobile phone to access internet to set up the Eero.

I am not a computer whiz but I managed to set it up.   




Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 53
Hi Gelha,
Thanks for the replyI was just wondering are you using eero now for your main router or as an add on. If you’re not using eero as your main router what router are you using? Sorry if I’ve got that wrong from previous message.
But thanks for your reply very helpful  Kind regards Chris 

Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 7 of 53

My problem has been resolved.  If you read later posts re my initial problem it was caused by faulty installation by Openreach contractor not by Eero or grandstream adaptor but being an intermittent fault was hard to track down, several BT engineers came but didn't seem to know how to deal with fibre installations.

Since  Openreach fitted new  box,  Eero and Grand stream have worked fairly well, had the odd hiccup with the phone but turning off Grandstream seemed to work

Before Christmas there was a big issue for lots of users which took Talk Talk a while to sort but eventually they sorted it and sent out an apology stating there was an issue their end so that was an ackowledgement.

My phone went down yesterday and I tried turning off the Grandstream and nothing resolved.

After posting my problem, Michelle suggested a reset of the Grandsteam, I followed instructions and it is now up and running.

On the whole I am happier with my Eero and Grandstream than I was with my old phone line as being in an area where all the phone lines need replacing there were always issues with internet dropping and even cross lines where i could hear other people talking on the line, due to poor connections in local BT exchange.

Hope you get your problem resolved


Message 8 of 53

Hi, can see your username sorry, but thanks for the reply, hope you don’t mind but What do you use as your router? I’ve been told by TY that the eero is only compatible with the grandstream for the voip to landline. I was using my old router from TT as the range covered the whole house. I was limited where I could situated everything because of where the fibre enters the house.


Not applicable
Private Message
Message 9 of 53



Please can you create your own topic and we'd be happy to look into this for you.







Message 10 of 53

Hi chrischris13. I had a problem with my VoIP ( internet was totally fine ), people could ring in but my phone would not ring. Also you could pick the phone up and dial then get connected for 20 seconds then disconnected. This went on for about a week, and I contacted Talktalk by their website, was guided through all the ‘fixes’ ( turn it off and on ) and then registered a complaint. It was fixed in about 3 / 4 days. I don’t use the Talktalk router eero as the input router, it’s set up as a Wi-Fi access point. I got an apology email from Talktalk.

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 11 of 53

I have the same issue, same scenario,  swapped back to old router was working ok but still had issues until the phone line died, so I’m calling them tomorrow to reinstate my old line as I need home phone. Thanks for the post, it will be like the post office scandal telling you your the only one having trouble 👍


Not applicable
Private Message
Message 12 of 53



I'm glad to hear that the connection has now remained stable 🙂





Message 13 of 53

Hi Gleha


glad you’ve got the problem solved and are able to use the internet. My fibre installation seems to be working ok 👍. I was really interested to understand how the VoIP phone adapter worked, and after bit of initial messing around it’s working consistently ok. The quality of calls is generally good, but one or two have been a bit flakey. I don’t know if all my phone settings ( nuisance calls etc ) have been transferred, but it’s early days.




Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 14 of 53

Hi Chris, glad you are up and running.  My old router was no good for future fibre.  BUT my problem was the initial installation by openreach contractor.  The new openreach router had either not been fitted correctly or was faulty.  This caused an intermittent fault which was hard to find.  I had taken a video on my phone showing that one of the lights on the box occasionally flashed red.  The last openreach engineer (who was exceptionally good) said he had not seen that before and subsequently worked hard to establish the problem and he re-installed a new box.   We have been using the Eero and adaptor for a day and a half now and problem has not reoccurred.  


Not applicable
Private Message
Message 15 of 53



Ok I understand. I will check back in with you in 48hrs to see how you are getting on, would this be ok? If this intermittent fault is still occurring then I will raise this to our CEO Team and request that they contact you directly to discuss this further.




Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 16 of 53

Hi MIchelle, first I want to say I really appreciate the help that you and Chris have tried to give me.  I feel that you have been limited by the lack of communication between different departments of talk talk.  Also from my experience the futurefibre team seem to be understaffed.  Trying to establish contact takes literally hours to get through.  If complaining would help you and the others working there I would happily make a complaint.  

I am still unsure if my service is working correctly, I would press the matter to get a wifihub2 if I thought that I would not get the wrong item again.  No-one can give me an answer as to why despite requests from the futurefibre team and yourselves that wrong equipment is sent out, out of stock? or is it related to my contract?. If a wifihub2 had been sent out at the first request, it would not have worked because it appears that the initial installation openreach router was faulty BUT it would have proved that there was more at fault than faulty equipment and would have triggered an engineer visit sooner.  It was fortunate that I had taken a video of the red lights flashing on the openreach router as that made the engineer take a second look at the installation and it's box.

I have been extremely stressed by the amount of time I have spent on the phone and the chatline through 'my account'.  

I will contact you again re asking for the complaints department to ring me, I know that it is practically impossible to get through myself  without giving up half a day and I've spent too much time with this already.




Private Message
Message 17 of 53


i recently had future fibre installed ( future fibre 150 ) and received an eero router and a grand stream analogue phone adapter. I had decided before this to stick to my old router ( trying not to make to many changes at once ) which was a Sagem model. When the engineer installed the fibre modem he asked if wanted to use the new eero router, I said no and he replied ‘oh great, less messing around’. Connecting the fibre modem to my old router worked straight away, good internet speed. He then installed the Grandstream analogue phone adapter, and after a minute or two, this also connected and worked ok. I might consider using the eero router, but only when I’m satisfied that everything is working ok for some time.




Not applicable
Private Message
Message 18 of 53



I'm really sorry to hear this. Would you like us to raise this to our Complaints Team and request that they contact you directly?





Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 19 of 53

Another long talk talk unobtainable day.

Openreach engineer has been and tested the line which appeared to be  working correctly.  I showed him a video I had taken of the openreach router flashing red.  He had never seen this before and said it shouldn't happen.  He took date of video off my phone and phoned someone to look at data for that day (11th March -this was 1 week after installation and 1 hour after 2nd engineers came to repair original line fault).  No data could be accessed before the 16th March - don't know why.  He changed the openreach router on the wall and connected the eero.   There was some difficulty with this because one of the ports was showing a faulty connection, the other port is working.  He tried to connect the wifihub I had been sent in error but that wouldn't work at all.  Eventually we have internet and phone working through the eero but as the fault was intermittent we have to wait and see. 

The engineer said he thought we might benefit from having the wifhub2 and said he would contact talktalk by a special engineer's number that he had and would ask talktalk to send us a wifihub2.  He tried to phone and was put on hold, he went on another job, Talktalk then asked for me to confirm account details, he had to come back to the house.  He attempted to get through to talktalk three times, one time we got through I gave account details and Talk talk said the system had crashed and we would be passed to another member of the fibre team, we waited 30 minutes and the line went dead.  The engineer tried once more and we had to give up. 

The engineer said that the dedicated engineer line to talktalk was not being answered. 

He has left his mobile number (which I won't put on here) and said that Talktalk could contact him to confirm that we should try  a Wifihub2 .  As I have been promised one by Talk talk on 4 occasions I am not holding my breath on that working.

I have to say that this openreach engineer was extremely helpful, explained everything and tried his utmost to get through to talktalk.


I am a very unhappy customer, I have not had a properly working service since my 'upgrade' on the 4th March.  I have repeatedly said how important my landline is because of contact with my 95 year old mother for whom I am a carer.  I was told when I ordered that my contract would not start until I was happy with the installation, as it has not worked correctly since it was installed then I am not happy and don't consider my contract has started.  The next few days will confirm if the new openreach router has solved the problem and only then will I consider my contract has started.  



Not applicable
Private Message
Message 20 of 53



Thanks for the update and I'm sorry you have not been contacted as yet. Please let us know how you get on following this.

