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iPhones keep losing WiFi connection

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 15 of 15

Hi everyone,


In the past few months I've been experiencing problems with the TalkTalk Wi-Fi Hub router, specifically with mine and my partner's iPhones.


Every few minutes, probably dozen or so, the WiFi connection will drop (phone is still connected to the WiFi, but there's no internet) and I need to either disconnect and reconnect manually or leave it as it until it fixes itself 10-15 minutes later. As you can imagine, this is rather frustrating, especially considering that none of my other devices (laptop, PC, TV) that are connected to the router, whether via cable or wifi, experience the same issue.


My router's version is SG4K100174, all devices are connected to the 5 GHz band, the router is in the same room as me (and the devices), not using any extenders or anything else.


Additionally, might be related or not, the router's admin panel seems to break when trying to enable/disable the different wifi bands; a few weeks ago, I disabled the 2 GHz band but when I tried to re-enable it later, it would not work, no matter what I tried or what browser and device I used, so I had to factory reset the entire router in order to be able to get it back.


Message 1 of 15

Hi @winter3 


Thank you. I will continue to feed back any examples or information to our Devices Team whilst they are investigating.




Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 15

Will do, for next few days, I will disable the "Private Wi-Fi Address" and "Limit IP Address Tracking" for this connection on my iPhone and see if that has any knock-on effect.

Message 3 of 15

Hi @winter3 


Thank you for confirming 🙂


I have passed over all your examples to our Devices Team and I will post back here as soon as I have further information.


If you could keep noting example dates and times of when this fault occurs that would be appreciated.


Thanks again.




Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 15

I did, yes, roughly around the time you requested me to do so.

Message 5 of 15

Hi @winter3 


Thanks for your reply.


Did you reboot the router on Friday?


Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 15

Hey @Debbie-TalkTalk ,


Not great unfortunately. I've recorded the approximate time of when each drop occurred, "drop" being measured by the phone appearing to be connected, but no actual internet connection being established - web applications displaying "Connecting" and web browsers failing to reach any website.


Friday: 14:40, 16:28

Saturday: 8:40, 13:01, 13:10, 15:30, 17:15, 19:23, 19:45

Sunday: 11:45, 19:35, 22:00

Monday: at around 9:00, the router itself lost connection to the internet and all my devices went offline; 9:40.


This is what I see on my phone when I try to reach and I know for a fact that the connection isn't there, even if the wifi icon is on:

iPhone no wifiiPhone no wifi


This is what I see on the router's UI when the phone is in such a state:

iphone router status dc'diphone router status dc'd

And it changes to this once I stop and restart the wifi and the connection is alive again:

iphone router status aliveiphone router status alive


Message 7 of 15

Message 8 of 15

Hi @winter3 


Ok, thank you.


I am looking at another case of this happening at the moment but it's not the same model of iphone. We are looking at example dates and times provided to try and pin point the issue.

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 9 of 15



No, not yet. I want to see if it's a configuration error of a sort, I'm sure that will also be helpful in the long run for your team too, in case other customers report the same issue. I can also play around with my iPhone's connection settings and see if that might have been causing it, let's give it some time to test things out and narrow down the problem. If nothing works, we can look into replacing the router.



Message 10 of 15

Hi @winter3 


Thanks for your reply.


Would you like me to send a replacement router too so we can rule this out?


Private Message TalkTalk
Message 11 of 15

hi @Debbie-TalkTalk 


router has been restarted as requested and I'll take note of any disconnects over the weekend.


As my partner is away this weekend, I can't provide that information, however my personal phone and wifi connection details are below:


Phone: iPhone 13 Mini

OS: iOS 17.5.1


Wifi Connection Details (Under Settings -> Wi-Fi):

Auto-Join: True

Low Data Mode: False

Private Wi-Fi Address: True

Limit IP Address Tracking: True

IPV4 Address: Automatic

DNS: Automatic

HTTP Proxy: Off

Message 12 of 15

Hi @winter3 


Thank you for updating your Community Profile.


Could you reboot the router for me please?


Which iPhone do you have? (model and IOS version)


Would it be possible to monitor the connection over the weekend after the router reboot and make a note of the dates and times this happens? I can then pass this to our Devices Team to take a look.





Private Message TalkTalk
Message 13 of 15

Done, sorry about that

Support Team
Private Message
Message 14 of 15

Good afternoon,


Can you please update your community profile to include your:


  • Name
  • Telephone number
  • Alternative contact number

We'll then look into this further. Please do not post this information on this thread. Once you've updated your profile please post in your topic to confirm it's updated.



