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Please visit here if you would like to query your account or service with TalkTalk. We can offer you online support to your query and look to resolve.
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We believe everyone should enjoy affordable broadband, TV, mobile and calls without problems and without frustration. If we ever fall short of this in any way, let us know decide to cancel your TalkTalk service, you'll need to speak to us. 
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We're sorry to hear that you would like to make a complaint. We take all complaints very seriously and we'll do everything we can to fix the issue you're unhappy with as quickly and effectively as possible. Your complaints give us a chance to put things right and help us improve our service to all our customers.
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Here's a bit more information about charges you might see on your TalkTalk bill, what they mean and how they work.
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Setting up your email client for the first time can seem a little complicated, but once you know the basics, you can get yourself up and running in no time. Email domain settings for client setup found below
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We know you'll be wanting to get online as quickly as possible once you're in your new house, that's why we've made this process really easy.
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If the broadband light on your router is off or flashing, it means you've lost connection with the exchange. Follow these steps to resolve the issue.
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Setting up a direct debit is the easiest, most convenient way to pay your monthly bill. Your payments will be automatically taken from your account each month, so you don't have to worry about missing your payment due date. If you'd prefer not to set up a direct debit that's fine, there's plenty of other ways to pay your bill. For more details see below.
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We know how frustrating it is when your broadband seems to be running slower than usual, so we’ve created this test to help you fix the problem without having to call in.
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Here's our simple guide to help you set up your TalkTalk Super Router.
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Your new Wi-Fi Hub is a breeze to get connected. Simply plug it in, switch it on and away you go. Before you get started, make sure you unplug your old router and any other broadband equipment.
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We’ve given TalkTalk Mail a major upgrade. Introducing a sleek, modern and incredibly easy-to-use design paired with new applications that help you make the most of the Internet. 
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Our Bills and payments page lets you make a payment, view your latest bill and take a look at your itemised usage. You can also access any help that you might need, or update your billing preferences by using the links along the right-hand side of the screen.
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Your main phone socket is a white plastic box built into your wall, usually in your hallway or near your front door.
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TalkTalk Boosts are a great way to customise and personalise your package, so you get exactly what you want. They include add-ons for your home phone, mobile and NOW Memberships for your TV.
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If you're having trouble making or receiving calls on your landline, or have no dial tone, try following these simple steps to get your service back up and running.
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If your Wi-Fi has felt a little slow lately, don't panic. Here’s how you can bring it back up to speed.
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View your contract end date online in My Account. Navigate to the My Package Add-on section where you'll see your contract end date displayed within package overview. We'll also notify you by email when your contract is coming to an end.
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If you're experiencing issues with TalkTalk Mail, take a look at the below common issues for some useful tips to help.
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If your account is in credit due to an overpayment, you can request a refund. Below is a list of the different ways a refund can be processed: 
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