1571 interrupted dialtone
I have interrupted dial tone on my home phone but I have no voicemails. I dial 1571 and it tells me no messages please hang up!! Gives me no options.any ideas to clear my interrupted dial tone?
Get help with your TalkTalk landline and calling features.
I have interrupted dial tone on my home phone but I have no voicemails. I dial 1571 and it tells me no messages please hang up!! Gives me no options.any ideas to clear my interrupted dial tone?
How do callsafe screened call and voicemail co-exist? i.e. does screened caller get to leave a message?
My elderly mother can’t get to the phone before the answerphone cuts in.This is NOT the premium answer service - I’ve checked her online account and that box is already unticked.The talktalk helpline didn’t manage to remove the service despite me spe...
I have message waiting tone. I dial 1571 and it clicks and gives me a beep beep similar to message waiting tone. Can’t access the voicemail!
I have Voicemail Plus enabled on my home phone, and can listen to the personal message I recorded so it’s in the system. I’ve checked my account and Voicemail Plus is showing as activated, but callers are still hearing the standard greeting. Is there...
I don’t want people leaving me messages on landline voicemail anymore because I don’t want to check them. How do I switch it off so the caller cannot leave a message?
How can I cancel the interrupted dial tone when voicemail you do not want to listen to is left? The usual solution suggested is to listen to the voicemail and the press 3(?) to delete it when prompted at the end. When the whole point is not to have t...
I have just dialled 1571 (which I haven't done for a while) only to hear "sorry, you're not subscribed, please contact your service provider". I always used to have the 1571 facility so who arbitrarily authorised its removal? And why? And may I have ...
I have previously reported this to TalkTalk but it seems it has never been resolved.I seem to be getting a lot of spam calls. The problem is, a lot of them are automated calls, when I get one of these and I am not in it goes to answerphone, it then s...
how do I activate voice mail
For some time now incoming calls just keep ringing. Rings/cuts off after about 10 rings but voicemail doesn't pick up. The Standard Voicemail box in my account is ticked. I did used to have this service
My Mum has landline only, no internet. I have 3rd party password to go on the TalkTalk Forum as she is partially sighted. She rang TalkTalk on 26/4/24 and reported the issue with her 1571 service not working. The agent advised her that they will repo...
NO voicemail icon showing on phone so cannot tell when a message has been left
calls going to voice mails
After 3 hours on the call to TalkTalk support, account management and the complaints team no one at TalkTalk seems to know what they're talking about when it comes to disabling Standard Voicemail (VM). I apparently have this but am unable to deactiva...
My voicemail (1571) is not working. I missed a call the other day and there is now a message waiting tone on the line. However, when I dial 1571, I just get a message saying, "Sorry the service requested is not available. Thank you for calling. Pleas...
HiMy landline voicemail has turned itself on again. Please can you turn it off completely/foreverPrev had this problem in Oct 2020 & only way to fix it was by TT staff (OCE_Arne) calling helpline did not help ! Tried the following this time around bu...
1. How do you turn voicemail off? 2. Abroad, Spain and Mexico, if voicemail is not accessed is there still a charge for receiving them anyway? Thank you.
How can I disable messaging service on landline
I switched from Virgin to Talk Talk 6 months ago and my voicemail has never worked, 1571 allows me to set up a custom message, which ive done but it never changes plus incoming calls are never recorded. Iam being charged 1 pound per month for an opti...
Can anyone please advise how I can remove voicemail from my landline account. It's currently provided as 'standard'. Many thanks
Trying to delete/deactivate my Voicemail service - followed all the on-screen instructions but normal Voicemail not on there, only Voicemail Plus (which is unticked). Have bought a phone with answering machine with a beep & a flashing signal so I kno...
How do I adjust number of rings before voicemail answers?
Hi,I deleted my last voicemail (by pressing the appropriate number when prompted). However, the voicemail message received icon remains on the phone and the ring tone indicates that a voice mail message is present. When I dial 1571 the response is th...
Hello,I need to turn off voicemail on my landline which is delivered via a grand stream adapter connected to an eero. Please can someone explain how to do this so that unanswered calls remain unanswered & callers are unable to leave a message. thank ...